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25 Good
  1. Wondering how it is possible my life changed so quickly within six months. Life is a bitch, take her while she is good.
  2. Just got done working out. Waiting for these bourbon brownies to cool so i can ice them for the lady.
  3. Drank a couple of gin and tonics and slap boxed the Shepard for a half hour. Fuck his active blood. I want no more.
  4. Ha. Awesome. But otherwise, apparently Kawajiri is going to fight Melendez. Ishii is supposed to make his strikeforce debut against Scott Lighty. And Gomi moved into an apartment without a bathroom apparently.
  5. What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard. at no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. i award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  6. If you think of the time Fedor was super relevant and holding the Pride belt. He was fighting the most stacked heavy weight division in the world. And the top Ufc fighter's at that time were Mirr, Arlovski, and Sylvia which he would of demolished. Hell Cro cop would of destroyed them. So I will have to agree with you, Fedor was and still in my book the greatest fighter in history.
  7. Listening to Six Ft Ditch figuring out what I am going to make for Valentine's dinner for my girl and her friends. I'll probably end up drunk making something less than extravagant.
  8. The first time I ever had sex I lost my virginity to a girl who smelled like she had three week old octopus salad between her legs. Did I mention I earned my red wings too all in the same exchange?
  9. Working on a logo for this side project i'm doing, drinking wine from the bottle, and just found out my boy is getting 4-7.
  10. Been depressed as fuck so I bought myself a new six string bass. Now I'm just jazzing around with it trying to sort thoughts.
  11. Preparing to pick my brother up from college and take him back to my parents house for thanksgiving break. Trying to forget a lot of shit.
  12. [pedal pale ale and another beer called the bitter end from the local East End Brewery in the neighborhood.
  13. Discovering the comfort of boxer briefs. Today was the first day, and a rather good one.
  14. Heartbreak, so hitting the gym, then grappling practice.
  15. Listening to first blood, writing out a butter milk fried chicken recipe, getting ready to work out after my food digests.
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