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Posts posted by HatoriHanzo

  1. It is currently 3, I drank only about half of that bottle of scotch and some how I managed to get into my ex girlfriend's panties, which i assure you I am going to regret, fuck it I'm going to drink some beer and go to sleep.

  2. Ehh been up for about 20 hours so I'm going to head to the liquor store in an hour or two and get a bottle of Balvenie 15 year. I am hoping either it will induce sleep or it will give me a second wind enough to stay up for around 36 hours so the sleep is tight. I'll be back later.

  3. Mauler i have a question for you. Is chartreuse anything worth buying? And what exactly is the difference between the green and the yellow kind? I never drank it before and I really want to try it, but want to know if it is something worth buying or getting someone to chip in with me. Thanks.

  4. Just drank 8 yueng ling lagers and a six pack of high life. Not as drunk as i should be but i visited my boys family who is in the marines. I can't wait for him to come home.

  5. Went to a party with six kegers, drank a 12 pack of yueng ling black and tan,12 pack of miller, and finish the night with vodka shots. I woke up this morning in my boys living room pantsless, with the largest fucking headache of all time. Today sucks.

  6. Just drank a fjifth of tito's andcrown with my bro before he went to Nenraska. I'm thinking about gutting my dog just too see what his 130 lb ass taste like. Updates tomorrow i suppose.

  7. Went to the sushi bar last night with my brother last night before he has to leave for Nebraska. We got shitty off of Saporro and saki. Then ended the night with forties. ALl and all a pretty good night.

  8. Fuck working 12 hour shifts in 94 degree weather, going to finish of my bottles of imperia and crown royal, and hopefully clean up the beer supply. I hope all goes well.

  9. I started drinking Tito's with my brother today around 2:30, now we are getting a case of beer and listneing to Loveline with Dr. Drew. THis may possilby the best show in the radio. Some girl was just talking aobut how during sex her vagina doesn't get wet and turns into hjelly.

  10. Do any of my fellow alcolites know how to distill your own Liquor? I think I'm going to learn how to do it so my alcohol expenses aren't so high. Any help would be appreciated.

  11. I think I am going to take a break from the drinking tonight, so that means tomorrow a bottle of sailor jerry's and hopefully a bottle of Tito's. I actually puked from a hangover for the first time in almost 3 years this morning.

  12. Got pretty fucking drunk last night off of Maker's Mark, watched Max Hardcore, drank like 7 more shitty Miller's, then went to McDonald's at 7am and ended up puking all over there floor. Atleast I got my fucking egg mcmuffin.

  13. Well it depends I usually take like 2 shots straight, then pour mix drink with 7up or with Ginger Ale. I prefer ginger ale because you can pour mix drinks 80%-20% as liquor to cola ratio, and the whiskey isn't as harsh. But my one boy usually just uses coke. It is all about preference I suppose. But are you sure that it is seagram's whiskey, because they also make gin and vodka I'm pretty sure.

  14. Starting out the night so far with seagram's 7 whiskey that my boy bought, soon I'm going to go the liquor store to cop this shit called Tito's handmade vodka. I never heard of it before but I will soon know what it is about.

  15. I just watched the news alittle bit ago and found out that my boy's cousin just stabbed his girlfriend then stabbed himself six times in the throat. Dude is still alive and I'm staring at my friend as he is flipping out. Good thing I drank enough whiskey to find all this funny.

  16. Shitty Pa lions head beer which is like 14 bucks in Pittsburgh, then after that a half of bottle black velvet whiskey and some throwies, then fighting dudes trying to be tough guys. Tonight was a good day.

  17. Dear drunk bitch,


    Why would you call me at 4 in the morn for a booty call when I have to be at work at 6. Please apply intelligence next time you call.


    Hoping to Crush a latter day,

    Brian Peppers.

  18. I've noticed that no matter what I drink the next morning my farts are really putrid and make me want to vomit alittle bit. But I think beer is the worst for it.

  19. Ehh drank with my older brother tonight....not too great of a time. I had to explain to him that mexicans shoot guns in the morning and that taking excessive amounts of tequila shots will do the same to your head in the morning. Here is to waking up and dealing with my hungover shitty brother. Cheers! But on that note I'm going to drink these newcastles and wake up and go to my friends last party as a civilian.

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