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yinz n'at

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Everything posted by yinz n'at

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco bump all that tunnel stuff
  2. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD that george washington shit is awesome
  3. and primantis in florida?!?! prosp when im not 24'd
  4. Re: Don't Call it Frisco jurne is a fucking beast
  5. Looks fun, where do you live? I've never seen a soccer game live I hear its pretty wild
  6. hmmm im a freelance muralist, i dont think that job was ever on the up and up let alone the decline sorry for the derailment broski
  7. fucking right they do and what is dislocated worker status
  8. went to the microbrew festival and forgot my camera..... sampled like 60 different brews and am quite hammered, my ladyfriend took alot ill try and get em from her
  9. im going to a microbrew festival in an hour and im fucking pumped.. tickets sold out with the quickness but i began dating someone who was doing promotions for the event and got a free one for my birthday woooo! flicks to come
  10. hahaha you know it brother, jyk nsf did north carolina a few years ago real good when we were in winston salem, good times had by all
  11. wow... photobucket is fucking up my flicks when i try and edit them, changing urls and everything so i am sitting at a bar and think i should document my day again it was such a fun time tuesday, i am unemplyed and have nothing to do anyway maybe im fucking up, i may be a lil drunk and its 330 pm... still basking in the glow of the steelers victory
  12. drunk as hell, drew this girls name in exchange for a mini horse figurine i miss the beach where we drew at night DONT PAINT YOUR RV YOURSELF.....if you do it may be awesome like this one
  13. black and gold plunger go steelers again helping out
  14. drinking brews stuck in traffic cigarette store we frequented neighbors lol wut its all a lil hazy after this delightful long island
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