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Everything posted by rege

  1. rege


    you guys can think boner is as up as he makes it seem but if u r from philly or go there ever youi would know whats really good making noise?just cause people talk about how dumb u are for posting EVERY flick u have of your styuff in philly and ny 10 times over does not mean your making noise at all the internet is nothing so dont confuse yourself seriously i mean look at the comments goin on thru the threads do u guys ever read back through what u posted and relize how ridiculous it sounds
  2. rege


    boner you were great in new york your a great writer and i have ALOT of respect for you its great youve decided to visit new citys but seriously the reason your not liked is the e self promo im glad your on the net i like feeling like i know u haha but just stop the self promo and peopl;e wont hate you
  3. lol thios is my favorite so far the montana makes it
  4. rege


    my friend from nagaski-ken said there is alot of sick war murals is this true? and does anyone have flicks
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco box car rolling machines are good but sometimes they roll em too tight and then they suck and bleed like a fucker
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco lol looks like plastic plus that looks like some good fuckin bud prolly why it rolled shity its to sticky
  7. rege

    Paris Grime

    paris is where its at best graff scene in the world right now
  8. rege


    also look at expel chompin boners E
  9. rege


    wow everyone but savage wu and nine is fucking terrible
  10. rege


    could hardly call a sticker a handstyle
  11. rege


    if anx is ur crew drop the oner, if u dotn know what it means dont add it to your name
  12. ignore the awful face in the y
  13. its fiesta fun conffette stuff lmao
  14. fuck you are retarted, there are so many writers out there that 99 percent of writers write i word someone else does sorry there is not enough 3-7 letter words out there for all the writers to have their own you stupid shit so shut the fuck up if its not a legend or a king in your city you can write w/e you want so stop thinking the internet is reality bitch
  15. lmfao i dont care bout these cats way far away ill write w/e i want as long as its not a king in my city or legend anywhere so mind your damn buisness
  16. changed it around crits please crave its a great start dont overlap the c and r also i think the top of the a shouldnt be to a point
  17. faze 1 i am defenatly feelin those stickers and the black book stuff is decent good shit keep it up i wanna see more
  18. regs131 crits please aot of bites goin on here
  19. if u make the e a lil bit taller i think it would look better
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