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Everything posted by rege

  1. re throwie regs hand new i like it but loose the drips and the colors are no good
  2. this shit is tight it says sairadeen? fix the n up its kinda wide and the i dont look good conected to the a the second a and first e arnt to great but they dont suck, dont overlap the r wit the a other than that color this shit its tight
  3. chronic it doesnt flow and the first c looks like a e try diff styles write it over and over agian rect i dont really like it the colors arnt that great the karaks are decent( i no them are hard) the peice is decent if u just keep working it the e is to fat and the r doesnt flow ayo let me get some crits man a bomb and a throwie peice raja forget the tiger i am gunna re do this one it is a lil whack
  4. i been writing for a lil more than a year i graduated simples a long time ago bud that is a throwy not a peice and a philly handstyle
  5. rege


    ignore the whack letters inside the throws
  6. REGS NIGGA RECT i like that blockbuster but the 3d is off try to make it fade to one point, the t is to far off also and the colors arnt that great just work it like a bitch and it will be good
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