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Everything posted by bouncingsoul

  1. Yo, I've been trying out new things with my letters like connecting them and stuff. And I wanted to make like the whole piece as one instead of overlapping letters and here's what I came up with... I was gonna ink it heavily like I used to (like Askew's sketches) I love bits haha
  2. Hexaoner Which one do you guys like better? Fucking marker running outta ink...
  3. Yo, worked on my throwie a little bit and came up with something I think is better... 3D is kinda fucked up but whatever, I just wanted to get the motion in my system... Some more time practicin and I'll get it clean I'm sure
  4. bouncingsoul


    Yo, worked on my throwie a little bit and came up with something I think is better... 3D is kinda fucked up but whatever, I just wanted to get the motion in my system... Some more time practicin and I'll get it clean I'm sure
  5. Yeah I know, I'll do it better next sketch I do
  6. bouncingsoul


    New 2 letter throwie says "he" both letters lowercase...
  7. New one... I like this one a lot
  8. Not sure if I posted this up here but if I did, I'll bump it I guess... Just started characters like 3 days ago so yeah...
  9. Haha, the right one's winning 3-0
  10. Yo, I decided to change my name again because it was getting annoying with all these people saying "like zomggggg teh phase2"... So I decided to change it to Hexaoner.... some handies. I don't know which one to choose so tell me which you like best...
  11. Sorry, I haven't been for a couple days... I was doing battles and stuff over at bs... Here's my battle entries if you haven't seen em over there... Totem- Berzerker- I got some sick new ideas for Phaze sketches too, so I'll sketch em out and get them up ASAP
  12. Yo, sorry I haven't been on for a while. My internet's a bit screwy... In order: The simples around the sides and the bottom were just things I was fucking around with but yeah... The big one's the one I want most critz on... I was trying out a new A and I dunno if it came out good or bad... Looks OK sometimes when I look at it but other times it just looks like a messed up Y...
  13. Yo, just finished another sketch. I managed to fit in an E this time haha... The Z is a little skinny on some parts I know, and the A is messed up a little... I did kinda bite Can2's A... I'll prolly either fix up some stuff later today/tomorrow or just put on the 3d right away.
  14. Just finished this sketch today but couldn't upload it cuz of the internet... The Z is kinda screwy and I didn't have any room to put an E so I just left it like that... I know I still need to work on my H and my A... My Z's are usually good, I just screwed it up... I was impressed by my own P though. They're usually not that great haha..
  15. Hmmm, new try at wildstyle... :edit: (To unreal1)-It's been done a lot before? I thought there would be some similar names but I didn't really see many people with "erm"...
  16. New throwie "ZE"... Kinda sketchy... And I finally found a name I can stick with... ZERM1. I didn't have enough space on the page so I put ER like an emergency room sign. I was gonna do a character related to that but I got too lazy and it was like 3am so I was sleepy...
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