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Everything posted by bouncingsoul

  1. Slightly graffiti related Fuck color
  2. Don't think I posted this here, did I? Letters sucked
  3. Yep, glad you noticed the book. Made a trip to Michael's today. $5 sketchbook and racked 5 Microns and some India ink (just for fun... Maybe I'll use it in a marker). I also found a bunch of Prismas that I racked like 2 years ago, when I just started writing. Maybe I'll use them experimentally
  4. Not sure where else to put this... Maybe some graffiti sketches later
  5. I recognize the name, but I do not remember who you are haha
  6. A product of genius is everyday A stupid idea lasts forever
  7. Blasphemy! Way too lazy to do all that though, you know? At the end the letters are still the same. Only thing you get doing it with markers are a bleeding page and fingers that are anything but naturally pigmented... Ball points and hip hop
  8. I have not posted here in way too long ...And yes, that's a dradel, no I'm not a Jew... I just found it on the ground... Seriously
  9. Fucking amazing throwies. Only thing... Paint them, don't fucking color them all pretty and stuff Look! Paper! Weak E, oh well
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