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Everything posted by bouncingsoul

  1. I can't do it in one hand stroke... Wouldn't they all have to be connected for that? Like I can do it pretty fast. But I get what you're saying... It was a new handie style for me. I'll get a flick of the word in my old style and get it up.
  2. ...no. It says newtoner, if you wanted to know.
  3. Haha thanks. I'll try some stuff at school tomorrow or something... And that middle one that quadra was talking about. The top sketch looks like you changed styles toward the E and then used like a combination of both styles with the K... Wierd stuff. I'd like to see one in the style of the E though.
  4. Oh, alright... I'll do a pencil one later.
  5. Haha well, I can't really clean it up considering it's pen :edit: Forgot to post this
  6. It says hexa... The h got screwed up
  7. Notebook scrawlings... I think my style evolved for the better... My h is supposed to be a lowercase h but the little middle part that connects the two got cut off, if that makes any sense I don't like the top left of my X though... But yeah. Critz?
  8. Sticks The H is kinda messy because I was in a hurry and the second pic is supposed to be vertical (90 degrees counter clockwise to be exact)
  9. Shit, quadra, we had an exchange?? Fuck musta forgot... What do you write? Sorry haha
  10. If you already know it's worse than regular writing, why didn't you just do regular writing?
  11. Might as well bump for critz on a new page
  12. lol, nice name. And melbs- I know what you mean, I was just trying out different addons to see which one looked best. I really like the look of the swirly-type addons now that I think about it
  13. Simpler doesn't mean better letter structure... Simpler means simpler. Which is basically no bits, addons, shitty letter connections and poorly placed arrows... Not trying to start a beef, but your sketch actually has some of those
  14. doinitagain, that's nice as hell. Keep doin sick simples like that :edit: sean, his is simpler than yours...
  15. Missed some 3d at the bottom of the H but I'll fix it later
  16. toy battle on bombingscience
  17. Uhmm, bump for critz? btw, ...I don't wear Ecko (to the guy who said I did) ...Today's my last day on vacation so I'll paint this practice bank I found when I get back (the guy who asked for painted flicks) Last night I thought about that shit and realized I should think about new ideas, so I thought about a couple things to put on stickers... I'll prolly try them out on the flight home and flick em when I get back.
  18. I have better bodies and arms, that was just messing around... I'll do some other stuff and post it. But, what I really want critz on are the name sketches I posted before...
  19. Shit, don't take this as an astonished bite please... I like his hat shapes so I used the same shape. Everything else is original though :edit: A lot of people I showed this to askedme what it was so I'll just say before anyone else does... I have no idea... I just sketched the hat and then put a little head thing at the bottom and added giant teeth things. I'm gonna do more pen stuff. Shit's fun
  20. I'd say less hands and arrows, more letters
  21. Here's some of the sketches I've been doing ...The last one was just messin' around... I thought up an idea for O's and found I actually liked it... I'm sticking with Hexa though
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