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Everything posted by snowbound

  1. LVAH sounds like matt damon in the depahted reading the tag on the door of that freight
  2. the "faithful" pic has me rollin.
  3. snowbound


    not to do with baltimore really, but that old EAR two blocks to the right of the BAAL is funny
  4. give 'em a right , a left and a kick to the fuckin' head!
  5. damn, nikkas wanna stick me for my papers
  6. let's go back to this subject for a second
  7. how you gonna beef with someone and put their name up
  8. this spot is crazy. the pic does not do it justice
  9. it's cool i guess minus all the crime. it's proximity to san francisco and oakland is really the only thing going for it
  10. why would someone be glad lion mart is gone? lion mart was the best dude sounds like a real square why's he just post pictures of himself? ironic that the only people lookin at his pics are looking at the walls behind him
  11. or just do your thing, who cares if someone on the internet is ragging you. they aren't ragging your walls and therefore it don't mean shit.
  12. if i could quote this without saying what I am typing right now, I would. Unfortunately, 12oz has a minimum number of characters required before I can successfully hit "Submit Reply". Ironically, I have gone above and beyond those requirements. Thanks and have a pleasant evening. John Hancock-ed, Your friend, Snowbound.
  13. the picture of him in front of the Noyz throw up is super funny
  14. didn't know when i clicked on this thread I would be getting a good laugh. but the guy up there claiming someone bit the most simple/traditional 'I' ever written was pretty good!
  15. the people who live in the houses you've been writing on don't love you back.
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