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Everything posted by Cracksmoka

  1. damn, im in the electricians union... i dropped out of community college.... fuck it though i get to work in the ILLEST places........ and college campuses... :wink2:
  2. fuck u man is the hottset song every bar is classik!!!
  3. here yall go.. good looks glik.. how do i get me one of dem dere 8.5mbp servers..?
  4. ehh, ill settle for vol. 2 if its easier...... i dont hae any of em.. but i always wanted to buy em im just to cheap.... camp kill yourself = dopest name for a band EVER!!!!!!
  5. and i have that rugged man but on tape :mad: sorry... ditc is the shit though.......
  6. how about the first CKY jawn glik... and im tellin yall download that KOOL G RAP SHIT!!!! silverstien is dope right? i saw them live at a skatepark here when they first got signed... there was like 50 kids there and they were all to see the local bands me and my girl chilled with silverstien for like an hour before there set just b'sin.. got there autographs and all hella dope!! you need to grip some "alexisonfire" if you want ill link it for you......
  7. actually im not that big of an eminem fan... i only have like 2 albums and a mix tape... hip hop isnt even my main thing..... and im more old school with my tastes anyways..... jedi mind tricks : violent by design.... yall owe me big.. ill keep the bats in mind if i ever need a organ donor or a blood transfusion... holla......
  8. that last one with the 80's rock hair is banging...
  9. YES the forum was down again!! for over 24 fucking hours if your not aware.... :hatred: WHAT...THE...FUCK...??? amd i may be being captain oblivious here but what, exactly is T.I.?
  10. thanks..i appresheate the constructive critisizm(like my ghetto spelling?)... i will def keep that in mind, i havent got them yet, hopefully tommorow, (well, actually today, now) and no frost, ive never been to that store. i heard about it though.. ill def have to check it out this weekend...... holla. and i wont take any kind of credit for a rip odb jawn, bob said it first and best... i was just payin my respects...
  11. im workin on a theme song.. its like "i smoke rocks..dootdoo doo doo..break into cars get shot at... doobie doobie doo doo... my bitch has hooker feet all cut up and scabbed, dooobie dow dow dow, geeking like omg rite now...doobie cracky doo wooooww!!! what the hell am i doing?? anyway i never understood the whole myspace thing... this forum solidifies my nerdy gangsta e-hood cred as far as im concerned... what???!!!???? illl post upp the track list later.. let me know what you think of it....
  12. yo family your crazy........ :smiles: you comin thru this weekend? heres mthat eminem cd..... but i would suggest the kool g rap first if you dont already have it....... that links only worth 25 downloads/and or 7 days....... omg..lol...j/k...wtf...??? :huh2: eminem: ENCORE its ya boy, holla!!!!!!!
  13. CRACKS ROCK OF THE WEEK: KOOL G RAP "live and let die" i know i just started this but i kinda wanted it to begin on a weekend anyway and i HAD to throw this out there....this is required listening, if you are a bat you have to download this album and listen to it for the spring semester, it is a hip hop classic, it is MAD slept on... and is currently out of print... so i advise a download..... you will not regret it. KOOL G RAP "live and let die" ...like i told you before, im the mother fuckin problem solver....
  14. i also got my kool g rap "live and let die" album today... thhis will be my rock of the week it will be required listening for all bats for the spring semester......
  15. the new em is alright, some of the trax are fire, some are garbage.... im uping it to linkage now
  16. http://s3.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3B3B99E8...9F3D8313499E6FF <--- try this link for that smiths album........
  17. some new shit... i hate it... but its somethin to look at........... not enormous boobs or nuthin, but somehin just the same...
  18. wtf??? i dont need to make a diffreny screename to say something doggie Quoted post [/b] i dont know, i just saw ",bitches" at the end and thats how you ended a post at the top of the thread... ill shut up now i dont know what im talkin about..........my bad.
  19. damn, pepe died? when the fuck did that shit happen ? thats fucked up........
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