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Everything posted by promnight

  1. RIP YNOT...met the man last year in town for a wedding. solid kid, solid work...what a fucking shame.
  2. gamephace...readin a bit too much into that one. I started this thread something like 6 or 7 years ago...I have no affiliation with MC and named it, rather, after an old marlboro slogan, seeing as virginia runs on tobacco money...
  3. right next to a jamz over jems. oh kiddies.
  4. yeh he wrote phable way back in the day...as well as ten other names...dudes allways tight nomatter what word hes using..
  5. was the rest of that halloween train on the interweb? don't think I ever got to see it in the light of dayyyy
  6. yes, that used to be a legal...many moons ago...
  7. damn slangdick....you forgot to date that shit lik ahem did....now when that shit rolls by no one's gonna know when it was painted...
  8. there's a sale on swiffers at target right now...that'll get you started...just read the directions...or ask your buddies at the precinct.
  9. no worries bizack...and yeah...respect streaks...they're easy to go around/avoid...
  10. wierd coincidence fox...I've been in dc for 2 years, and i am officially back in the river city...as of today....
  11. that shot of the montana rail link is sick...i know it's prolly one of the stolen ones, but daaaang.
  12. It seems like only yesterday I was hangin' out with my dog ManPooh. sheeeeeeiiiitttt
  13. but shepard fairey used to rack all his potatoes. street cred dunnie.
  14. He didn't invent the stencil just it's use in graffiti. Shepard Fairey used to use those "potato stencils" we all made in elementary school....It wasn't until much later that the paper stencil evolved from it's original use in a little thing we call "The Bat Signal". duh.
  15. Re: .................................................. .............................. fuck that, you can't throw 'em away...it's like a badge of courage.
  16. PEPPERMINT has 2 P's....spell check dunny!
  17. dang. the rza went back in time to dis yo shit. that's hard as hell...1/1/2005
  18. the day that repae "did he say omlette" pice was painted...a kid in his class really did refer to an "umlat" (the two dots) over the "e" as an omlette. beautiful.
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