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Posts posted by MitchThe$nitch

  1. You seem to be hating on me and you don't know me.


    I think if you browse the entire "Jersey Shore Thread," you'll find that I'm not the only one who finds this group of individuals to be complete and utter fools making total idiots of themselves out in a public forum for the world to see.


    I'm merely soaking up the image that they are putting out for themselves and re-acting to it.


    I watch the show because they make complete and utter fools of themselves, it's pretty awesome. I thought that is why everyone watches it.

  2. ^ I'm assuming that's because they take that seriously during it? Good tip, because I'd like to avoid NO lockup over some nonsense


    Spenty and Grimey, I'm gunna need you guys to hook it up with some other good tips and can't miss spots


    I didn't read the last two pages, but yes - they take it seriously, and its hard to find a place to piss. so piss when the opportunity is there.

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