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Posts posted by MitchThe$nitch

  1. I recently switched up my days a bit. Doing Arms in one day seems crazy.

    I now do chest + tri's on Monday. I switch it up every week in terms of what excercises I do.

    For instance, tonight I will do.

    Bench Press

    Incline Dumbell Pressess

    Dumbell flies.


    Next Monday I'll switch it up..

    Do all Bar Bench, throw in some decline. Change weight from heavy to light, do more reps.



    Shoulders, Bi's. Same thing here..I switch up the excercises and weight from week to week.


    Friday - Back/Abs. I can really devote a whole workout to back.


    Two times in between I run outside 2-4 miles. I also have two dogs, and no backyard. So I walk them 3 times a day a mile or so. I'm lucky enough to live on the 4th floor, with no elevator so I run up them or double time them each and every time. That is my main excuse for doing little to no leg work. I was born with some thick ass legs, plus 18 years of skateboarding. I do throw in squats twice a month if I have time.


    In a few months, I'll change all of this up...I want to get away from doing specific muscles on specific days.

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