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Posts posted by MitchThe$nitch

  1. Yeah, I pick defense between 8-10 depending on what others are doing. I don't do what I do with kickers though -switching them out every week. Typically a decent/good defense will stay consistent in terms of points all year. Towards the end of the year, I will take a new defense based on absurd matchups - such as the ravens d versus the lions..

  2. its the show boating that makes me dislike him. years ago i hated him solely because he was a packer and he was a great qb. he burned the bears over and over...


    the whole "show" of having his teammates practically "beg" him to come back makes me want to throw up.


    i hope he does play, i can't wait to julius peppers knock his crocs off.

  3. i usually don't even draft a kicker. i get all skill players and then as the season begins i finally drop the one with the least upside and grab some random kicker. i change it outt weekly based on who's playing indoors, or who scores a lot, or can't score in the red zone etc...usually pretty effective.

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