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Everything posted by getursaladtossd

  1. why?.... to not make u look that bad,
  2. why would u just give up a spot like that?
  3. lol yeah that was a fucked up sentence, lol but i mean i like how people always say "old stuff" when they think everyone is gonna hate on their canvas, sayin that does not change the way we are gonna think about it. its still that canvas
  4. i like how everytime people throw a canvas up and say old stuff when they think ppl are gonna hate on it even if it is old it still is the same it doesnt really matter doesnt change the outlook on the painting so put sumthin up only if ur proud of it.
  5. hey jamba caught this in the train thread
  6. u got my vote..i say mightymims got it
  7. there aint shit wrong with fuckin a good chicken every now and then
  8. yeah i agree marm and armys style is similar not biting at all but similar
  9. props to marm, swl, gray. feis, n everyone whose been gettin up feelin the gasm and marm its dope
  11. that newkon needs a little more to it its too white u kno what im sayin but other than that its tight
  12. lol its like reading a 10 year olds writings
  13. i kno my bad for the shitty flcks they were behind a gate u had to pay to get thru but if anyone has better flicks of any of it feel free to post
  14. thats bout it i rate this years scribble a 3 out of 10
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