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Tuff Tone

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Everything posted by Tuff Tone

  1. is this the same peru? or did i catch a bite?
  2. Tuff Tone


    ENDER, hot shit, i like
  3. Question, I have a imac and hoe ass dsl. when i open a page half of the pictures dont show up, its pretty fucking annoying. any idea what i can do to fix this? my isp is safari the one that comes with macs
  4. omg its a gray throwie, i think im gonna cum
  5. where is harsh from? out of town right?
  6. oh shit yzerman is going off, FUCK THE WORLD
  7. are you gonna give me some free shit? im pretty sure the biting was done on purpose to piss you guys off
  8. damn, i hope i run into them swl fags so i can get some free shit
  9. hey can someone tell how to right click with a imac mouse? its just this little punk ass mouse with that little ball in the center
  10. anybody remember Detroit Underground web site?
  11. i just got a imac, im having trouble posting flix because i dont have a right click button. how do i find the properties for the pics?
  12. what the fuck? can somebody please translate :confused:
  13. that shit is funny. lololololololololololol
  14. that ''R'' is the best, i want gray to sign my black book
  15. I want a number 1, and i'd like to go large
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