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Everything posted by PESTO

  1. hah i dont usually go crazy like that, usually it flows nicely. hows this,heres a sketch i did for saek. i could do simples too, but choose not to,
  2. unfinished for my friend saek.... stupid cell phone flick!
  3. i havent sed shit just posting, untill you had say sumthing.
  4. :D well if you aint got no got nothing good to say dont say it, you dont got the skills to. ...just sayin:ballcap:
  5. ..... anyways, its sumthin different.
  6. lts toys post for a reason dummies, oh and donald all you post is wack ass sketches.
  7. an exchange with relok..
  8. Bump this old areo. anyone got the flicks when tlok was down here?
  9. PESTO


    asalt and klevr hands asalt soker af tko
  10. PESTO


    http://www.23hq.com/dubside/photo/1120837/large?signature=264+1158301204+4AC68E7273DDFE87E1C91B108E27F08902E1EC72 stolen . tonk.
  11. you should put ur own ink in the bingo markers then itll be awsome ..
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