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Everything posted by Nyarlathotep

  1. try moving your hand faster across the walll and keep the cap level(straight as possible) also try painting closer to the wall in tandem with quick spray strokes.. it salso depends on the climate,and wall you are painting on
  2. :hands porkchop a bag of dehydrated potatoes:
  3. hey ^...^ i figured youd get a kick out of this.. so here is my dinning room table
  4. unfinished train outline..prolly gonna take out th back teeth and trim the nose and i'm done posting for now.. some day i'll put up some finished stuff..but since that hasnt really happened in 7 years of being here...uhm..someday i mainly use black or blue pen.. once in a while i'll draw in pencil.. and i try to stay away from using large nibbed markers for drawing on paper.. since they tend to bleed and force my to work by making things larger than they need... although if you have the correct type of paper you should have to worry about unwanted bleeding and color blending comic book backing boards are great for prismas and letrasets one side is glossy and the other plain...but sharpies bleed on the plain side.. you can get these for 1000 for about 10-20 bucks at any cllectors shop or online http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hs=mE...100&sa=N&tab=iw
  5. GAM QUICK THROWEE G A M lsd character throwee and a G i was messing around with last night on the same page.. i sorta added a hollow A and M in negetive space...it looks crappy but conveys what i'm going for my camera sucks
  6. just realized this with my 30 percent download
  7. ICHI THE KILLER 2 : PREQUEL http://www.boxtorrents.com/details.php?id=127111 This is NOT the same thing as Ichi the Killer (live-action) produced by Takashi Miike. This shows how Ichi becomes the Killer. The movie is a pre-quel to Takashi Miike´s Koroshiya 1 (Ichi - The Killer). It was produced in Japan, and only released in Japan. The actor who stars as Ichi is the same as in the other live-action movie. NO SEEDERS BUT 2 OR THREE LEECHERS WHEN ITS DONE I'LL SEED IT FOR A LITTLE WHILE
  8. ...hmmm my neighbor spent all the rent money on urb again..the wife sounds pretty pissed...kinda wish i understood the languege hmongs speak..too bad half of the argument is in pigin
  9. better be some eggs in that pan or she's getting a wedgie
  10. for real. i need to find a nice native girl to marry and poot out some kids..and make my moms happy
  11. >___< hop on aim so i can send you naked pictures of myself posing with teddy bears
  12. naw i doubt that..we dont argue unless its weither or not i cheated at a board,card game...wich i'll deny till death but erry body knows its a genetic trait that i cheat at all games prolly has somthing to do with my cousin..and his big mouth that flaps in the wind .. bad judgment of me mentioning this on 12oz. damn white women.. need me a ghetto ass black girl with 900 braids attached to four strands of hair....and a big ole booty..so big there is no hope for doggystyle
  13. i'll give it a go..but prolly word it different
  14. ..so my girl comes over last night.. ...and asks me if i've slept with anyone else while we have been together.. i didnt know what to do so i acted like i was asleep.. and somhow it worked.. i'm verey faithful and fearing of her so monogamy is my thing of choice.... but i cant understand why she would ask such a thing at such a moment i dunno what i should do the next time.. i'd ask my friends but they would just say " put it in her but" ...that joke never gets old eihter
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