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Everything posted by xylene.vapor.cream

  1. Yep, looks like a 3A tag! Now is that thee Established Wackshit East Coast 3a thats recognized internationally. or is it some sort of Northwest 3a or are they the same???? Because I am fucking confused!! Somebody help me!!
  2. ^^^^^^^^^ Well this should up the antee.........whos all in????........and I think she spells her name with an H!!
  3. some fresh lookin trains... ewok stands out!!
  4. Dekor!! and that mother F-in Kwest.......yet another crusher!!
  5. Hmmmmmm...... bumps for homeboy sreal on that rightside of THAT BNSF reefer......
  6. Kwest and Asend always on pt!!!
  7. Dekor, Reser, and Dekoy.... ill Glue and Phame color schemes.... ALOT of dope shit....
  8. Who knows we might be on more common ground then it seems? Atleast u refer to them as trains now......but those chill spots?? Ur not as perceptive as u think u are.................and commenting on ones long term strategy before one is washed up is not always wise either.............. I know I am small change compared to u but hey I am in it to be WOWed with color and style........not to mention technique and skills!! and maybe to generate some sort of progressive thought along the way.......Thats the movement I am down with.....not real sure when writing quality graffiti or collaborating on impressively done productions had anything to do with foot soldiers, terriost networks and killing jews...........and yeah, the promotion of the latter will probably get a peeping toms attention!!!
  9. I must be a fucking idiot? I couldn't read anywhere what oxy 80 writes.......and bump that dekor, and huh, oh yeah, he and I are quite aware how chill those so called pasture spots are.......
  10. And bump THOSE Letgo and Focus straight letters.....that green buff on the underside of that concrete truss sure looks familiar........
  11. Rope a Dope!!!! or in this case make the word dope plural.
  12. hey guys mommy and daddy said i could borrow their car to drive to seattle sometime soon.................................are u as excited as I am???
  13. THAT paser mfk is pure fucking madness......
  14. Lets see that all of that plus memorial........I have those two I want to recall the rest.....
  15. Somebody said something about trains......... Bump that IBT Dekor........In fact lets all bump together, on the count of 3.......1..2...
  16. Always the freshest trains and thee freshest angles........... Kwest and Bacon on that CPAA is way pretty.
  17. More rolling dumpsters from the northwest R - E - G - I - O - N......and late night entr'ees fresh from the hands of freestyle........... SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Railing synthetic herion could have long term implications on your health.
  18. :mad: I don't know 1+1=3 personally....but i know of homeboy's tragic story and for someone to lip off like that really is in need of a fat lip!! Regardless, the kid brings some originality to a region that could use alot more of it!!
  19. that wild man hore....... don't hate the player, hate the game.
  20. No doubt ur name says it all..... Ur seriously crushing all the other benchers right now.....
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