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Everything posted by FuzZy

  1. thats the funniest thing I have seen someone type in this thread........... .......because the thread has moved a total of 3 pages in like 6 months =meaning that no one hardly paints or post in NC
  2. lawst nrek6 leaver close & reit good bump Dookie....good to see someone painting in NC
  3. damn I need to get another board its to fucking nice out today to not be skating ....oh and to be stuck behind a computer!!!
  4. I wouldn't waste your time on a new thread cause this barely gets visited as it is .....nevermind to late!!
  5. ahhhh I didn't know they made cigs in NC, google oner hooked it for me though post those fliks cause this thread is weak
  6. good video gave me something to do at work for almost an hour
  7. well I am guessing its near a beach beach = sand = camel but NC has more then one beach for sure
  8. again......what the hell is Camel City???
  9. just curious.... does spelling your letters all fucked up make you feel like your all hard and gangsta like??? fo weel yo, I beez getin my words from "how to beez a gangsta" book I kopped dat shiz when I scooped my "how to beez a graffer" book shizzles is bangin son
  10. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    bump that eon syntax rei exist belev ultra exacto borf amen HOODS OF ART good post 8onusv2
  11. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    Mayor Anthony Williams....he's got my vote
  12. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    and were back................. yall resolve anything yet???;)
  13. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    this thread seems to be turning into the miami thread nothing but jibber jabbering jabber jaws
  14. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    yo soak...trust me I put in work all the time but like I said I don't live in DC anymore so it doesn't get seen by yall or dissed by ATB so maybe I can relate.....yeah I think I can :rolleyes: just cause I don't have shit all over the internet doesn't mean a thing....don't believe everything you see or don't see in the 120z nice flik post KILLYOURTV
  15. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    yeah your right itll never compare cause DC is more about getting up as much as possible then showing off your skillz.... just sucks though cause I could walk through DC all day long and it was prod after prod and throws with the ill style....you know what I mean oh well times have changed I guess
  16. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    I aint worried I am just curious....am I the only one?? honestly I don't really care cause I don't live there no more so I don't have to see it firsthand... but still what happen to all the productions what happened to the wall of fame what happen to DC graf not really looking for an answer, just stating my opinion yo Sime i figured your opinion would be somewhat like mine seeing what era your from
  17. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    whos having a debate??? I was just curious if ATB is goin to step there game up or just keep doing the same ol' same ol'
  18. Quoted post [/b] thats definitely to funny I read it 5 times just to make myself laugh again
  19. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    i rember painting that day. back when graff was real in dc. good flic Quoted post [/b] yeah it used to be real nice in DC...right??? I wonder if it will ever get back to its roots??? yeah we know ATB is running DC right now but are all yall in ATB just going keep doing throwups or are you going to do something with some style every now and then....like maybe a nice burner not saying BORF did burners but atleast he didn't keep doing the same shit over and over and over again you know just to mix it up and show us that yall got some skills instead of just showing us that yall don't give a fuck and will paint anywhere and everywhere...and the same exact throw everytime. Im not knocking yall anymore, I have come to grasp that yall are running shit and will cross out everybody just to let people know...do your thing homies BUT SERIOUSLY HOW BOUT SOME STYLE OR ATLEAST A DIFFERENT THROW FROM TIME TO TIME :burn:
  20. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    nice post jamal lot of good shit in there..
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