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Posts posted by _nightcrawler

  1. i get some of it. not all. maybe you could do an example. just one letter. showing all the stuff you pointed out. if can, can. if no can, no can.




    Not my piece but see how theres shines, but they're not very bold?

    thats what i mean

  2. I dont mean to be a cunt bro, but you asked for some lessons

    When you do cracks, i assume your trying to give off a rock effect am i correct? If not then completely ignore the rest of this post but if you are trying to give off a rock effect just read on.

    When was the last time you saw rocks that were shiney as fuck? The shines are just to bold mate. Your current shines make your piece look like its on shiney metal or shiney plastic or somesort. So maybe just have little shines or even faint faded distinct white shines if you get what i mean.


    Everything is else dope bro, its just those little things that you could work on that would make a big difference

  3. i dont really fancy 90% of the girls in these beauty pageant things. I find that most of these girls are actually ugly and i figure they join these things for an alter ego boost. But when there is a good looking girl in it, shes REALLLY good looking.

  4. Its actually a longer story than that. Melbournes graffiti culture is huge and i've seen a lot of youths with heaps of talent but because the government introduced these new laws, its harder for them to express themselves.

    The idea is more of a "trying to prove a point" that youths are equally as talented as the older guys and shouldn't have their human rights of self expression be restricted or stop just because they are under 18.

  5. Well its an idea 1st which needs to be refined. But basically its a chance to give the youths a chance to express themselves through graffiti art. And if you live in Melbourne, you will know that its really hard for very talented youths now-a-days to express themselves due to the new laws which dont allow youths to purchase or carry spray paint around. Its just a 2 page letter which needs to be signed by some big names in Melbourne who support the idea then it will be brought further up the chain and hopefully be approved.

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