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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Fucken Ken Park. I downloaded 2 torrents given to me on here for that movie, one was in Spanish, the other just had a 2 minute scene and some fucked up file of the main movie that had some VLC player exception and wouldn't play. Rant over. But Goddamn, that Pennywise is an ugly motherfucker! And who is the chick pulling that mad face? I wanna see that whole scene!!
  2. I have an old bunky computer, and can't be stuffed opening it up just yet. I lowered the brigthness on my monitor, and it seems to have made a difference. It isn't schitzing out as much now, but if the symptoms persist, I'll let you guys know. Thanks to all for your help, you guys are great.
  3. Anyone have any idea as to why my monitor is acting schizo?
  4. Why is my monitor making these weird ticking noises and the screen goes as though it is degaussing? I have already gone through one monitor on this comp already, but that was an old one. Thanks for all your help so far, it has done me wonders, but could this new problem be due to running a non genuine windows?
  5. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Haha, donkey punching. Madness, might have to do that next time I smash
  6. I just wanted to watch that movie as it is banned in my country (Australia) plus I really liked Kids and Bully. As to whether Utorrent keeps track of how much you up as oppose to down I don't think it does. It is moreso the individual sites that I visit (where they link to the trackers) that inform me of what my ratio is. But I try not to leech too much, even though I was for a while. I just wish I had a better comp so that I could still browse the web while uploading because if I don't set it to 13K or lower then I can't really browse too much as it is too much of a load to handle.
  7. Thanks for the info guys. Yeah seeding is abit of a bitch btu hell, just leave the comp on all day for a while. Me and my friends just limit out download bandwidth while downloading to make the ratio not change as quickly. But can I ask, why did you stop using utorrent for Azureus? I find Utorrent to be fine, or am I just missing out? I also heard Azureus uses a hell of alot more processor power, which as you may have heard I am currently lacking. Oh yeah, and I downloaded Ken Park from a link I got from here but it is in another language and I was wondering if you knew how I can configure FLV player to download subtitles for it.
  8. Well my comp has an AMD Duron 900 Mhz processor. But the bad thing is only having 376MB of RAM. My L2 cache is 64kB. On the right I have a Download accelerator icon, an AVG Free icon, the windows security alert (as I have turned off the gay firewall to get things sent to me over msn), the safely remove hardware icon, and the volume control. I used that program to get rid of a heap of stuff that was there. Umm I only have 2.59 gig left on my harddrive and am using 93% of it. Should I backup my music and vids I have on my comp? I defrag like at least once a week, but I have been gettign alot of errors when the comp just switches off while I am burning a movie or other things as I recently installed SP2 for windows and that has stuffed it up a bit. Thanks for your help so far, it has worked well, but where is the keygen in that download?
  9. I have ran that tuneup utilites but still it doesn't really tell me what ones I should get rid of. But it has made me realise that I need a new computer, as mine is too old. And what do I do when the 30 day trial runs out on these programs I get from this thread?
  10. Thanks man. I guessed those, but does anyone else know why I have multiples of svchost running?
  11. I am just wondering what the neccessary ones are though, does anyone have a rough guide? I also have itunes and some antivirus etc ones running but was wondering what the core windows ones are?
  12. Here is what may sound like a silly question, but how many processes shoudl be in the list in Windows task manager? I have like 41, but there are like multiples of svchost.exe and others like it. And what is WgaTray.exe for? It is a process under my username in the task manager, but I was wondering if I was to get rid of these tasks I could maybe make my comp run a hell of alot quicker as at the moment it keeps fucking up and it is pissing me off. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That Bubb Rubb is hilarious. The whistles go woooowOOOOO!
  14. Mauler5150


    I have yet to play MK:SM in co-op mode but I hear only good things. Has anyone oin here p[layed Smackdown vs Raw 2007 yet? Saw it at the shop today and was thinking of buying it but I already have all the previous games in the series and was wondering whether the new one is worth the $$$
  15. Mauler5150


    Yeah the one where you can only go Lui Kang or the otehr guy, I forget as I am drunk atm. But hell the new one sounds good, but is it one on one again, or still like the wandering platform style?
  16. Mauler5150


    Sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought when he was first introduced he was the best new character (MK3 or am I wrong? It has been a while) Is this new MK like the last one? I wasn't a big fan of the option of only 2 characters in the last one.
  17. Mauler5150


    Oh c'mon, when Kabal was introduced he was like the most kickass character there was. Can anyone here give me a guide to using ROM's of those old games on your PC? I really want to play some Double Dragon atm.
  18. Mauler5150


    I can't believe that their is gonna be another Shadowrun!!!! I remember when you finish that game that they say to watch out for Shadowrun 2. That was a long time ago, at least 13 or 14 years.
  19. Oh no! How did I know this thread would have a mention of 'the party'? Like I thought after reading the 1st page it wouldn't be mentioned here, but oh no, Biggus Dickus couldn't help himself. Oh shit, after reading what I just wrote, I have set myself up to be mocked in this thread. I must say it is hilarious though.
  20. So do I my good man, so do I. I like Corona too. But you Americans probably hate it. I dont really like too many Aussie beers, except Hahn Premium.
  21. Umm i'm just using Internet explorer and like the animated gif superthread on here for example nothing i working for some reason.
  22. Any ideas why animated gifs are showing up as tills on my PC?
  23. YES!!! "I have a fever, and the only remedy is....MORE COWBELL!" Quoted post Good to see another fellow Dream theater fan posting on these boards!
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