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Everything posted by IRONHEAD

  1. reminds me of somethin paser from laws crew would do.
  2. just got back from amsterdam. man its crazy there. spent all my money in a short period of time. haha. now to get drunk!
  3. man a four day exodus from the army. i think i'll go to amsterdam.
  4. word. good news about moms. definitely good news. i dont like to hear that other shit.
  5. i once had fun on new years. it involved a drug you snort off of a broads ass. that was good. its not going to happen this year though. but fuck it, its just another night. i get thrown every other saturday night, what makes this one any more special? shit we dont even go out till 11:30-12:00 anyway.
  6. i could take her off your hands if you like.
  7. why? are they accepting alcoholics?
  8. fuck i never shoulda joined the army! oh and dating married chicks sucks. this one broads husband just found out, oh yeah i forgot to mention, i work with him. so yeah he wants to have a fistfight after i get off work. damn it.
  9. i like deloused better than frances. at the drive in was good.
  10. i would like the bunny outfit. of course i think its hard to find one in my size. them shits run like 700-800 bucks. i got a ripleys believe it or not book.
  11. its called "the lameo supriseo"
  12. ive had a few jack and cokes, but the usual is a shot.
  13. not my favs, but interesting nonetheless. that first flick, the one with the van. does that say heroin street?
  14. you get really good light after it rains.
  15. im serious though, im trying to understand your way of thinking here dumy. you say that he deserves to live because no one can just play god and kill him. isnt someone playing god by keeping him incarcerated for the rest of his life? doomed both ways really? where is the line? well just keep all of the terrible people in one big prison for all eternity. im sorry that sounds ridiculous to me.
  16. there is many problems in the world yes. so what these people are saying is that everyone deserves to live. are we drawing a line anywhere? ok forget the whole back into society thing. we'll assume that someone who is serving life in prison really has no chance of getting out. you people think they should all just sit in jail forever?
  17. true, how many lives have been ruined because of what he helped create? no it dosent bring anyone back if they kill him. it dosent bring anyone back if they change his sentence to life in prison. then it just costs alot of money. what does it do if you release him back into society? does it make you feel any safer letting your daughter walk down the street knowing that people of this guys caliber are out walking the streets as well? even if they have been deemed rehabilitated.
  18. qouting myself in support of the intelligent people on this forum. Quoted post [/b] this makes perfect sense. you are intelligent because you believe that everyone has a right to stay alive and have no sort of punishment whatsoever. murderers, rapists, serial killers, pedophiles, etc. well all they have to do is say "geez, im sorry, i was really wrong for sodomizing your 80 year old grandma and then cutting her into 87 pieces....you cant kill me that'd just be insane. i deserve to go back into society and make a noteworthy contribution because i am "rehabilitated"" fuck that man. if you believe in something like that i think id be a little quick to call you something other than intelligent.
  19. all you have to do is put the lives of the four people he was "convicted" of killing into your life. say he killed four people from your immediate family. then tell me if you think he deserves to live because he is "rehabilitated" and wrote a couple childrens books?
  20. fuck him. he'll never counteract the violence and destruction he helped create with a few books. i know this is a stretch, but for real some of the nazi's in the nurenburg trials had remorse but they were still guilty and i hope they are burning in hell regardless.
  21. glad you got rid of poppy, ill try blaze.
  22. cramps where did you get that wallpaper? can you hook me up?
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