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Everything posted by DeweyVonGumpsteinAndTheWiz

  1. As long as you drink shitloads of GHB you should be cool. hahahaha
  2. p.s. i'm currently wearing a paul frank t-shirt, levis 511's, a fred perry pullover, lacoste socks, neon blue and yellow adidas, and currently drinking organic lemonade. i just ate a boca burger with fresh cilantro and onions. (the cilantro is bangin!) and some kiwi.
  3. All you need: 1 orange(organic), 1 apple(organic), birdseed. ok this is what you do... -take 1 organic orange -cut in half -hollow it out and enjoy the orange goodness or just throw it in your yard for animals to enjoy -cut up apple and mix with birdseed. -fill the hollowed out half orange and then place it in a tree somehow between branches so the wind won't blow it away. sit back. relax.
  4. pretty much. as long as you don't hit her it's all good. hitting chicks is weaksauce. unless they're crazy fat black crackhead bitches named shandra that chase your ass around with the impala they stole from their pimp while he was passed out after drinkin some roofie-laced alize' and then you can sock that bitch like shes your red-headed step-son named troy that you never liked anyways.
  5. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread what the fuck is going on in this shit the shit shit shit ? im super duper depressed watching surfing dvd's listening to kenny g and drinking silk soymilk i need to get the fuck outta florida. or at least down to miami for a minute.
  6. fucking gaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. dude are you like 16? whenever i feel like breaking up with my girlfriend it usually is followed by me calling her a bitch a whole bunch, and her punching me and then me throwing her shit out the window and then her flipping out and me dipping out on my bike at like 3am to go sniff pills behind 7-11 and then chill out hop on my bike and roll around tagging on shit smoking cigarettes and then finally call her and be like, "yo baby it's all good."
  7. "A nigga gotta drive anyways." This was so deep and true... it was like poetry.
  8. -learn german -paint miami light rail -get job with insurance so i can afford surgery on my heel/ankle -dont get busted for vop -art shows in hollywood sf and nyc turn out good -more money -less problems -try to grow like 2" taller somehow -go to europe -get syndicated -muni muni muni paint paint paint -money -more money -try not to relapse too bad -more money
  9. Where were you in 2002? All I can say was... SF was one of the most fun memories I've ever had back in 2002. Pure Mayhem.
  10. FRIDAY - freebay - go do some bullshit for community service - do some work for upcoming show SATURDAY - go to my girlfriends works christmas party - look for pills in their bathroom cabinets - possibly downtown for bar action afterwards SUNDAY - football - drawing CHALLENGE PAYOFF XMAS DINNER WISH I WAS
  11. Being a shoplifter usually takes the fun out of Christmas for me, because anything people buy me, I can rack... but this year, due to circumstances beyond my control, I'm stranded in the middle of fucking nowhere, Florida, with no car and a fucked up ankle. Sooo... unless I feel like loading up at Wal-Mart (which I don't)... I'll simply have to not rack until shit changes (ugh) Anyways... I guess that makes me look forward to Christmas more... kinda.
  12. Re: Don't Call it Frisco i miss pill hill tenderloin vitaminsssssssssssssss anyone got those flicks of the grey geso amaze muni's from like 2002?
  13. Re: san francisco art institute... hahaha im sure alot of people are.
  14. i was just wondering how many of you spent time in this school? im considering going back after a 5 year hiatus.
  15. post more btm and outlaws shit. quit the chit chat
  16. Re: Don't Call it Frisco hahahah i saw "mortes" on that list... he's a rollerblader hahahah
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