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Everything posted by enokeem

  1. a liitle bit, if you look at the corner of the top of the bottom right leg on the k it looks like your going for a shadow, but the bottom of the rest look like your attempting a 3d.
  2. mine for golf. and for moose, done real quick, sorry i took so long to post.
  3. mindvapors for spike. il have my golf and moose up by tonight.
  4. faze- true i see were your coming from, just way to many pointless arguements lately, i seen that shit you did for the battle, its real different and definetly original, props.
  5. i though some people would actualy post some decent stuff in here, but no ones putting forth any effort, might as well just be closed.
  6. first of faze, i said that because your arguing with someone on the iternet for having the same name as you, its not that big of a deal, and you need to get over it. i have no beef with you, im just saying you should get over it.
  7. royl for rest, woulda chose slybuggah, but that looks like a p.
  8. anything on my pics from earlier in the page?
  9. first of faze-go smear poop on your dick wave it around, and get over it.:)
  10. starz im in on moose and that str8 golf
  11. diz your shits fuckin' awesome, your thin jagged letter style is pretty tight, keep it up.
  12. there ya go, im absolutely no competition for the mech one but o well.
  13. 'weapons of mass construction' 'oranges of war' untitled 'all welcome...'
  14. my first two canvases, just sarting to get into them. let me know what you guys think. there more of my drawings that will be put on canvases in the new sketch a charecter thread if you guys want to look.
  15. haha, come on people post some stuff.
  16. na, it got buffed in like three days, its a white fill with a black outline, and its and its right near those ships off the skyway in buffalo.
  17. this threads comin back, very nice posts squeeze.
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