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johnny ballbags

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Posts posted by johnny ballbags

  1. what about some kind of member design contests resulting in the winning designs ending up on shirts or posters or something and then being sold on 4thw?


    or a postsecret.com type of formatted section where member submitted artwork gets selected and posted periodically and maybe even put into a book and sold if there are enough quality submissions.......






    i didnt think these ideas through that thoroughly so forgive me if they suck....

  2. i just dumped all my files to an external and im about to reinstall windows...


    im gonna try to install it on the 250gb hd that i couldnt get to work as a slave with my current windows install...


    any advice for the fresh install?



    spybot s&d?





    oh and seff, a while ago you posted something that made windows bypass the login screen... do have any clue what im talking about?

  3. honestly most if not all of what i posted was done just playing around.... they were more about the process and creating them than they were about the final outcome... i had no formal training in photoshop or anything for that matter so i did a lot of stuff like that just to explore the tools and get more familiar with them.... or to "warm up" for lack of a better term before getting into some actual work kinda like you would do a few really loose doodles/sketches before getting ready to draw something...

    i didnt go in with a goal or a concept, they just kinda happened...


    and the only one that i actually like at all is the third one, and i have the last one in a little 4x6 frame hung on the wall cuz my girl liked it...

    i just scanned my HD for things i might be able to contribute to the thread and those are what i came up with..


    unfortunately i lost a lot of my freehand ability when i started spending tons of time with digital stuff, and art became more work than fun when design became a way to supplement my income and i had to please retards with horrible taste....


    /end super lengthy post

  4. i think 10 posts is still a small amount before kids can post threads..... but im happy that something is in place at least....


    i like the idea of a pay account with increased cool stuff too.. and i think a lot of the regulars and lifers would be down to support the site that way.......

  5. you were right casek....



    what i did was plug my jump drive into another computer to identify the driver that xp was using for it.... disk.sys..... i went and deleted it from the computer im having trouble with not thinking that it was most likely the same driver windows was using for the hd..... yeah im a retard.....


    so.... BSOD......


    grabbed the disk.sys file from another computer and using ERD copied it from a jump drive back into the system folder....



    no more BSOD....



    but now im back to square one..... the jump drives still wont install correctly.... its telling me the data is invalid..... and check disk still freezes at 30% when checking free space....

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