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Posts posted by thesteelrod

  1. and what the fuck do you call 90% of the shit out there. at least ich is doing good clean quality shit, not some half assed sloppy stock tip shit.



    Im sorry tha guys got no style...same shit on freights over n over again...
  2. Originally posted by Frate Raper@Mar 6 2006, 04:38 PM

    I miss my pitpull alot, their banned out here now.I miss my Sheppard Husky even more, his name was Nigguh he was the dopest dog EVER!


    I was offered a Seppard/Pitbull today but shes not trained very well and shes 3.I might get a cat.


    get the pit/sheppard cross its a great mix. thats what i got, my girl bought him, trained him and all he does is wait for me to get home. hahaha, definatly my dog now.



    he likes to roll in dead things though.


    the dead harbour seal he rolled on, fuck dogs are gross sometimes.

  3. breed specific legislation was passed in ontario. pitts, am-staffs, staffy bulls and a few other bull breeds are all included. all existing dogs are grandfather claused, meaning they can still stay but you cant bring any new dogs that fall under the ban. mandatory muzzling and no off leash time except on the owners property. so even if you go out of province with your dog, they can technically take and put down your dog if you bring it back into ontario. pretty fucked up.

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