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12oz Original
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Everything posted by RumPuncher

  1. thanks austin. Now that I'm Bobby Digital, you know I'll be allover this thread. I shot a bunch of flowers and garden shots this weekend, but I'm not sure if that will have the same effect as the 'desolate industry' look.
  2. finally.... I get to contribute. So these were shot at 6:00am after an allnighter at work. The sky was foggy so I stoped down quite a bit which also seemed to soften my focus. So much to learn.... http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/lane.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/factory.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/factory02.jpg'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/car01.jpg'>
  3. no really -dude- it's a process called 'stitching' where you take on flick then the camera shows you the edge of that flick and you line up the next photo. Then the software puts all those images in order and cleans up the seams. I shouldn't have tilted down because it threw my entire arch off kilter. but I'm learning! :idea:
  4. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/stiched%20copy.jpg'> my new camera can make QuicktimeVR. Too bad I cant oh.. that's my deck.
  5. thanks Durden. I had a seemesmile account but they were resizing the images back then. Since then freephoto-i got f'ked and boomspeed decided I wasn't in their mandate. Damn.
  6. Big News!! I just traded in some lenses I never use, a decent flash and an infrared shutter trigger for this... http://www.tribute.ca/Tribute/1102/images/tech_talk/canon.jpg'> Canon Elph s230 - 3.2 mp - Quicktime VR ready - movie w/audio capture! Can someone tell me the prefered photohost so that I can start adding to this tread.
  7. I think that if you say undertone immunity or hombo block or even I know what I'm saying so dont even think about it!... it's all the same shit. And we still all end up in here.
  8. ok... I added a little 'o' to make it more worthy~
  9. http://www2.vo.lu/homepages/phahn/puzzles/ring1.jpg'> I learned how to solve this when I was young. Man if I only knew what to do with the girls who thought that was cool. and now I find a cheat sheet on google. We didn't get google cheat sheets when we were kids. oh... 80's were crap.
  10. ^ haha.. Jem rock slut #1 ~ I met a girl on Halloween who was dressed like Jem. She actually looked really good underneath the pink wig and plastic guitar.
  11. Captain Power ! The TV show that shot back at you! http://www.yesterdayland.com/images/popopedia/shows/saturday/sa1244.gif'>
  12. ^ word! and remember the Speed Wheels Eyes ? http://www.shorelinesurf.com/tee-shirtsscruzphotos/3-scdot-ls28d.jpg'> ^ordering this from SkullyBros mailorder!
  13. Originally posted by BROWNer haha, yea, i thought you knew that? born in TO, raised in london. ahh... fo some reason I thought you were a ******** native.
  14. the movie was called Explorers. http://us.imdb.com/Title?0089114 and Flight of the Navigator was cool too! http://us.imdb.com/Title?0091059
  15. http://www.klov.com/images/L/cLast_Starfighter,_The.jpg'> the best movie when I was young.
  16. I remember those ! And remeber collecting the points off the backs of GIJoes to send in for extra weapons packs and parachutes and shit? oh... page 2 check out my real identity !
  17. Mask ? Wasn't that the movie with Cher and the kid with the deformed face?
  18. ^ dude! You were from London? Most of my early memories (tv and media) were all about TVO. I didn't bother to mention them because I didn't think anyone else would even understand.
  19. http://sharifi.org/album_images/146.jpg'> ^ I know it's a little later than the KOH originally set out... but it deserves to be included. so does... http://www.homevideos.com/photoscomedy/godsmustbe2.jpeg'>
  20. only local cats know the real about that one.
  21. yay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay
  22. RumPuncher


    keep your fat tires where they belong off my god damn streets. Around these parts, the streetcar tracks will eat skinny tires alive! I ride slicks, but not thins
  23. RumPuncher


    umm... I'm forced to wear to fur trimed parka just to stay alive! ...but there are bikers ziping around, so it must be possible. BUT NOT FOR ME !
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