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Everything posted by bentone

  1. wow, i wish there was something like this in my city. they made skateboarding illeagle in my city. :(
  2. cover, zone deno 5050 5050, deno deno (same as the deno next to the fifty hand) troph I just got these today...
  3. asek, check your pm's
  4. Here's a few more asar asar asek troph jaws, deno teler thats all i have...
  5. Nice flix asek! asek, ucs, jeak jaws, deno asek troph deno deno gas
  6. bentone

    Yard Safety

    Wow, this is a real good threat! :king: The place where I go to take flix is real cool. It is only about 3 tracks, and it is fairly secluded.(no people to bother you) It is not a true train "yard" but there are always a lot new cars parked there everyday. The best thing is there are no bulls or yard workers.
  7. here's my stuff sorry about the crappy pix.
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