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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. RP only needs the support of the people to become president. The media is fueling his fire by going after him. Fuck, I was watching CNN during this entire Hurricane fiasco, and Wolf Blitzer was throwing RP under the bus every chance he got with his idea of shutting down things like FEMA and how awesome FEMA is and where the East Coast would be now without it. Pure hysteria. This causes people to check out RP and his views, and to see for themselves how "terrible" and how "unelectable" he is. Of course this just expands his popularity, because most people just on looking at his issue's collect to his fundamental idea's of freedom, that's what he is and always be about, you don't like freedom you don't like RP. We know where certain people on this board fill in with that though.
  2. You go girl taking out Remo, that's gangsta. And I didn't even notice the Sace, ouch.
  3. We're actually all the same person, here to bring you down and drive you to insanity.
  4. It's just unusual for this area. Sorry west coast peoples. I can honestly say living in NYC my whole life this is the first Earthquake I actually felt.
  5. I was sleeping that shit woke me up, and my first thought was to jump out my first floor window. LOL! It definitely wasn't that bad. I'm in NYC.
  6. Anyone who starts an article out with "RP is a joke" has no grasp on his career, or his credibility. Which also means that everything said after this is irrelevant. Completely biased points of view. I know you'll laugh at that, but seeing as it is one of your main defense's when responding to someone else, I could give a fuck. His career should speak for itself, and even if you don't agree with him, and think the Libertarian ideology is idiotic you still can't take away from the man's character and what he has been able to accomplish since going into public service. Of course the constitutional/conservative movement that he spawned on his own, and the overall effect it could have on this country in the future, if he wins or falls flat on his face in this presidential race. This is also the last time I address anything you say in Crossfire. Over and out.
  7. I'm not RP and I can't speak for what he would exactly do about anything, I have explained other means to which he would deal with terrorism, and I have brought up the fact that if our FP changed significantly you would see, perhaps not immediately but a change in mindset from most of the world about the role America actually plays in the world. The vision you have created does not hold true for what most people think in other places but here. I asked you to discuss on what you feel causes terrorism, you have not said why. I think this needs to be answered before we can further continue this conversation. I won't spoon feed this stuff anymore. Nice video btw, the Larry David clip is the best. Obama was just brought up for a jab. You've been insulting me for who knows how many pages, chill.
  9. Also your baseless claim that he can't win his new district is pretty funny. THE MAN HAS BEEN IN CONGRESS FOR 20+ YEARS, HE HAS RUN FOR PRESIDENT 3 TIMES, HE IS GOING TO BE 77 YEARS OLD. Can he just retire???? Is it that so outlandish that the man can fall back from public office if he fails at his 3rd attempt at running for President? And how is he racist? Because he disagrees with certain property issue's in the 64 civil rights act? Or is it because the KKK donated money to his campaign in 2008? Neither of these issue's are solid enough to say anything for sure, it's all in your head. I could post youtube video's of a bunch of African American's who support RP, but you would just disregard those as you disregard everything else. Why don't you go into the Obama thread, because there is one here somewhere, and keep stroking your boy, nobody want's your ignorant and baseless accusations in this thread anymore.
  10. Yea because you are on such a higher level of intelligence. I don't expect you to understand Freedom. Clearly the thought is over your head. We aren't going to be a Super Power for long on the path we're on, you don't understand this either. Not to mention I have answered all of your questions, you may not agree with the answer's but they are still answer's, learn how to read, pal. I also like how you avoided the questions I've asked you completely. I'm not surprised though.
  11. Also, what gives us the right to do any of this? Because we are America? How fucking ridiculous.
  12. Do you understand the term blow back? How about stepping out of the Middle East/Afghanistan, radical's can't have a following if the people of the region do not believe that they are correct in their line of thought. The whole isolationist thing is rather annoying, you make it sound like RP's FP is about crawling into a shell or something and pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist. This is false. He is simply talking about minding our own business, getting out of the however many countries we currently occupy in some way or another. He would rather handle issue's with diplomacy than with brute force or intimidation, and other tactics (ie: sanctions) that we employ that also result in further blow back and sets us further back with the people of what ever region we are fucking with at the time. We've been following the status quo on this for the past like...60 years and we are here now, perhaps a different approach is worth a try. There are also plenty of African American RP supporter's what kind of racist nonsense are you pulling out of your ass now? It seem's like you already have all of these preconceived notions in your mind about what is or what isn't. RP is a racist, he will shut America from the outside world, he will allow terrorism to spread like the virus it is. How about you explain why there are terrorist's, and why they hate Americans. Then you can explain how your candidate, Obama is doing a better job about any of those issue's and how we are safer as Americans because of those decisions. Then, you should match up those answers with what the man campaigned to do, put 2 and 2 together and realize what is actually happening around you.
  13. Nobody is redefining anything, we clearly explain very loose terms you apply to RP. After it is explained in a manner in which you SHOULD understand, you result to denying this explanation, than turn around and start insulting everyone involved. I won't ignore you, because you are entertainment, sort of like watching an episode of The Jersey Shore. Train wreck status.
  14. Re: Game of Thrones It's plausible. Daenery's talks about getting 2 men to fly her other 2 dragons just like Visery's (probably spelled that wrong) had his 2 sister's flying his dragon's. It's just a matter of them potentially meeting and her gaining those feelings which seems kind of out there to me. Especially when Bran's dad was one of the many people after her father (the mad king).
  15. So for 20+ years this man has been manipulating libertarian's and conservatives to suddenly change all his views on policies once he becomes president? RP is all for trade, with the way you are tossing around your believes on "isolationism" it makes me think you think all of these wars we are in now are a good thing, after all we are "spreading democracy" and we saved Iraq from the terrible Saddam Hussein. Not to mention drones being flown into Pakistan killing who knows how many children and innocent civilians, but hey, if the French didn't involve themselves in our revolution would America exist today? Yet you talk about helping the suffering but who do we actually help who is suffering? Unless we can benefit greatly from our involvement, you are painting a picture of America involvement overseas's as some giant peace keeping mission, when it isn't. Trying to paint this man as some kind of evil villain that is trying to end America with his FP is quite hilarious considering the path we've been down the last 20 years, how many enemies it has created. Perhaps we should fall back, reevaluate our position, recover from our own woe's and than rethink about the whole "isolationist" argument. After all if America doesn't exist, who can it help? BTW: Who do you want to see in office for the next four years?
  16. Forget it on attempt 12309812038102938129038019231 I got it right.
  17. I can't copy and paste what I'm looking at, otherwise I would google it. I can print screen the image though, and send it so someone could interpret it.
  18. I need help with something pretty nerdy, and it involves knowing Japanese, if you do know Japanese this should literally take you no time at all, so please don't hesitate to PM me or respond here. And of course..... EDIT: I'm trying to register at a Japanese website, and it has one of those spammer blockers, where you have to read those letters in the box and type them out, the problem is they are Hiragana, I have a chart to look at, but I'm on attempt 25 or so and I haven't gotten it yet.
  19. So then you don't want to discuss it. This thread is about HIM, how can you discuss his views without using them?
  20. Lew Rockwell doesn't really write any of the articles on his blog, he will post clips from interviews on his radio show, but almost all of the articles are written by other sources. It is a libertarian website, with libertarian related content, but how is that any different from you posting something from MSNBC or anything else that clearly favors a more liberal, socialist type ideology. I could go grab post's where Zig makes a claim, and than explains this claim, regardless of the fact if it is right or wrong. I'll say this again, Zig isn't even a libertarian, so accusing him of 90% of the things you accuse him of is 100% false, and just discredits any kind of points you might have made in any of those post's. I agree though this thread has gotten rather......silly.
  21. Ha, didn't see all the other replies.
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