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Everything posted by ThomYorke

  1. The fake ALERT is one more reason that S.F. could not possibly stand for "Sucka Free". Suckers. Quoted post [/b] Watch what you say.
  2. I'm really impressed by your flix. Its nice to see your own trains go to a different country.
  3. Old school..... Hours BMB Yo, Phunk, you got the Daver next to it? If not, it's cool. Mad props for all your flix!!
  4. Destn, Sigh, Erupto, (the fake/real)Harsh
  5. just testing out imageshack
  6. So this is a production that was put together for Halloween. The order it goes in is: Token, Chek, Spooz, Curly, Dabs, and Host.
  7. Same and Bobo from 4crew in Taichung, came down to do some bombing. More pics from that session coming later.
  8. Reach, Chek and Arnold..... Like WHAT?!
  9. So..... Royal had an art show that showcased some of the locals talent. Took pictures of the things that interested me. There was lots more.
  10. Checked out an art show last week at the MOCA (museum of contemporary art) in Taipei. It's main feature was various artists that designed a Pony shoe. There were up to a hundred pairs of shoes, only got flix of a couple.
  11. MQ is my idol. I want to be just like him (graffitiwise)
  12. You must be the toyest writer ever. Everyone I know wants to travel with their name. 1 advice: save money and travel and oh yeah, get up!!
  13. Let me introduce...... Mr. Spooz. Coming at you from Nicaragua.
  14. So this French dude named Ceet came out here and hit my boy up to do some damage. He's down with KD and TNB. You know King Cope's crue. He's also in BAD, AC, and LKM.
  15. Back with some of that good old shit called BoMBing!!
  16. So shit got all fucked up on photobucket. I'm really frustrated right now. Sorry for all the blank spots. All the flix should be back up shortly.
  17. Add Taiwan to the list too. BNE your my hero. Tie's never been to Taiwan, but he's deffinitely running out here. Damn.. He was only 18 years old and got UP... Only the good die young.. Quoted post Quoted post [/b]
  18. So, if you enjoyed my pictures of Jhusan's Graffiti Expo, then check out the official website: http://www.wretch.cc/album/jgae2005
  19. **Just in ** The Crips and Bloods of Taiwan had a peace conference. Can't we all just get along?
  20. Who loves T Dub more than Uncle Thom?
  21. Yo these cats rocked Ximen the other night. (ximen is like the trendyspot in Taipei)
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