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Everything posted by NUK_IF_YOU_BUK

  1. hey new to site dont have internet. im using my boys comp. just something i sketched real quick any feedback wante4d ill sketch sommore later and try to make a account
  2. if your gonna write "sakn" you might as well write "fdhasgdf" pick letters you can draw farely well, and create a fuckin name that actually looks decent. your a toy so who cares if the name makes no sence at all, worry about that shit when you got letter structure and style down. overall, your shit looks ehh but keep practicing and try to draw straighter, simpler letters. when i first started out i printed out a sheet of all differentr types of fonts that all said my name. then i just copied them over and over, and as you get better you can add style and whatnot. dont try to go wildstyle either, it ends up in failure. o yeah whats a "bomb" :yuck:
  3. in my city they dont even try to chemical buff shit anymore so they just paint over everything with grey primer, so there is no point to hit shit up with staining ink because itll be a waste. the slick sticks are fuckin so smooth its crazy but they dont stain for shit against chemicals..im not sure how they withstand the natural elements because they are relatively new and i just threw up my first tag using them on sunday. if you dont rack theyre pretty cheap (3.99 for 5) so i'd say get some and try for yourself.
  4. yeah i know. it came with some fallen shoes i got, i just used it to test out paint. i didnt go out and actually spray it on stuff. fallen isnt worthy of that. only toy machine is. :love2: Quoted post [/b]
  5. bump ader! woot! except i dunno about that A?
  6. definately feeling ader, a couple pages back i saw some ader straight letters, really liking them. but yeah anyway start painting those bitches. bait looking decent :naughty:
  7. comming soon in diet cherry vanilla
  8. yo tsac, no the thinner won't melt the plastic and it depends on the thickness of the oil based paint added...if its like rustoleum aluminum yeah it will work the same, actually kinda better peace
  9. i found great success in this recipe.. 1) krylon ultra flat black bucket paint 2) acetone 3) brake fluid pour everything into a water bottle and shake it up but be careful, depending on the temperature outside, the chemicals may react differently. since i live in florida and its hot, the mixture gives off a gas which creates pressure in the bottle causing it to make it psshshshshs sound wen i open the bottle back up but my homeboy up in n carolina said wen he did it it didnt fizz at all. anyway, back to the recipe. pour all that into a mop and let it flow. the acetone makes it flow better but also makes it dry. the brake fluid counteracts the acetone without thickening it and keeps it wet longer so it can seep into the surface. if u use it in a kiwi shoe polish container, it works great. sorry if this was already posted or if you think this is retarded and that im a toy. to all of you who arent jackasses, enjoy :D
  10. Anyone know if this is the old school Grim from Fort Lauderdale? If it is, nice catch boulder
  11. that klever is sick tho im not to enthusiastic about the fane...but whatever life moves on, u cant stay in the past
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