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Everything posted by vodka_santa_mug

  1. havent been to the city in forever...probly should go.....probly run out of gas...probly get gnawed by wild hounds.....last time i was around the ctiy was crushed
  2. dude maybe he was just like telling peopel about the new shit...dosent have a cam and thinks is flick worthy...also its not liek he told you go to there and bopmb the fuck out of it.
  3. i think what the roller is tryign to ask is about streaks. liek there are soem really old scribbles on trains that i see that are done with lumber craons that tend to be rather old im guessign. i guess what IM tryign to ask is did the hoppers write their names on the trains they hopped with a date nect to it..iv see things liek this..just wonderign
  4. hey whats with the fucked up train....there a story behind that
  5. eric peep the for the hard way store on 12oz...they got it.. ....rock on you freak
  6. my parents are down they got me this shit for my b day :king:
  7. hey nice thread....just got into stickers about a month ago could you guys tell me how my stuff looks i think its awsome
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