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count chocula

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Posts posted by count chocula

  1. that red rice ale is good

    especially with some spicy soup.


    been drinking ballast point's yellow tale for, basically, free - and it has grown on me quite a bit. i'd suggest giving it a go.


    i can't stress how good de struise westoek X is.

    aside from orval -- it's basically my favorite all around'r.



    is it just me

    or is anyone else looking forward to the xmas brews already?

    st feuillien noel FTW

  2. scheduling a portland trip at the end of september and i'm looking to do some rides!

    any of you pdx folks got a good shop i can rent a road bike from? or, if you have a spare road ride (i'm 6') - i'll bring the saddle+pedals.


    also, since we're on the subject, i LOVE good beer and can only function on good coffee.

    please point me in the right direction.



  3. go get'em rubbish!


    after being convinced that i was plateauing, the recent numbers are showing that i'm actually getting faster.

    perdy stoked.

    next year/season is also looking to be very interesting with some recent developments.

    cycling -- fuck yeah!

  4. i'm toying with the idea of a cross 'season' of sorts

    but, the road season goes all the way into october and then starts again in january.

    i'm sure i'll ride some cross, but i gotsta git me roadie miles in!

  5. i did pick up some new shoes

    but they're exactly the same as my old ones - just a different color.

    plus i've already put a good amount of time/miles on them - so i can't imagine that to be the reason.

  6. cramped up during the race - shook it out, drank a bunch, ate some blocks - yada yada

    wake up next day and my entire hammy/quad area is sore as shit

    today too.



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