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Everything posted by insane30

  1. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. yea starz its gettin to the point where i think an intermediate level should be formed....infamouzkraze is right....there are ppl who would dominate the rookie but dnt really stand muhc of a chance in the advanced...peace
  3. yo jybeone post sumtin uve done and ppl will give u advice
  4. ^^^^^hahahahah rofl...thats right kits, NO KRYLON till uve mastered wall mart dollar paint,lol
  5. yo fat cap post like wat u think is ur best shit and starz will place you accordingly, if u disagree wit his decision let him know and somehting will be worked out
  6. does it really matter if hes all tlak or not in this case....hes giving good advice, whether hes learned it through experience or sucks and heard it form sum1 else aint the point here, wat matters is that its good advice
  7. for whoever is confused bout handstyles i have one very good example of simple hands...dnt pay attention to the drips cuz it was done wit a mop and no it wasnt me so i take no credit for it....as i can see, that has to be the simplest letters of life, like regualr handwriting but look how hot it looks, if u can learn to do that and stop wit da lines everywhere and flarin and stupid crap everywhere ur set. whoever sais to these kids to quit now is a fukin lathargic devil....if they dnt learn how they gona get better, and who is goin to continue the graff game later in time, nobody starts wit nice hands and u know it...peace
  8. yo starz i say that if the tounrey amount exceedes 20 u should make 3 levels dependin on whos in on it...just my 2 cents, dnt listen to me...im a internet homey like the rest of yall
  9. ^^^^^^EXACTLY, i aint gona pay for no online battle prize and most cats feel the same way so fuk da prize, if u in it for a prize den u in it for da wrong reasons...peace
  10. well yo starz i know theres pics of my shit everywhere on this thread and in the south fla thread but ima post the best shit i got fliked cuz my hard drvie crashed last week...sum1 told me u gota post ur shit to see wat skill level ur in...here ya go and starz u can look back or see my iwns if wat i post aint sufficient.......this is the only recent thing i got on my comp and its like 3 months old...theres a pic of my DMAN battle entry sumwhere on here...peace
  11. wadup everyone....i know ive been gone and most of u dnt even know who da fuk i am but w.e, im down for the tourney and my thoughts are skill levels are good cuz u got some ppl who suk ass(no offense rookies) and then really good ppl and in a battle toys have no chance so i say toys against toys and pros against pros...no fuken prizes, liek sum1 said., THIS AINT THE LOTTERY. and for voting, give a description/explanatioon of why u voted the way u did and i dnt think judges is good cuz its thats like 5 pplz opinions out of everyone on the thread
  12. dosa for sleek...close one wit bamer
  13. shit i got the same problem and ive been writing for a yera n a half, ill take any advice too
  14. yo starz, take me outa the new pope battle. too busy wit shit right now to wry bout that
  15. my small inventory...... starting with the mops/markers form left to right kiwi, penguin wit black rusto paint, white woodcraft, black markalot, kiwi elite, and another kiwi wit black rusto spray paint(messy as fuck, at the front an industrial sharpie chizel which i swear will write on sumthin dats wet or oily or nehtin caps- some ny fats, 2 gold dots, some rusto fats, ny thins, red tips are form some shoe polish spray(im experimenting with them now, like needles n shit, i got one to like 1 foot big), german fats, stock tips, germna 1;s, and some weird cap and a wd-40 tip
  16. thats gone be a hard one....looks like they both have the same styles and theres bad n good things in both...um....i vote for term
  17. insane30


    Quoted post [/b]
  18. heres some freek shit from miami...didnt i say before the name was taken..o well w.e hope u get the point and drop the name...just a suggestion, ull prolyl not catch beef but that aint the point...pz
  19. yo starz im in thenewpope battle too...peace
  20. hey can we start votin on DMAN netime soon...just a suggestion my boi BAMER for PHONE although at a close second was Edogg
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