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Everything posted by Adernaline

  1. hook it up :D ;) a quick mop i made with just black nero in..had alot to spare
  2. what a thread this has become.. please - close it soon, theres already a good 30 odd pages of pure bullshit to look through before you can find any solid answers and not just repetitive questions about mixing etch with fucking ink etc :huh2:
  3. im proud to say ive been here since the start - under a different user name yeh, but still. :crazy:
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=2276981910 for marsh..blue though.
  5. you have to draw dicks on things if its in the right shape..you can't not do it - it'd be a crime. im confused by the picture up there though, is that an american thing?
  6. im thinking a mix for the future would be marsh garvey and nero..maybe with a bit of gv/mb :naughty: just need to get my hands on marsh.
  7. that deserves a slap. and for you chumba.
  8. :haha: and supposing you're insanely poor with no paint but have a build up of alot of ink over the years, you'd use..
  9. i duno - the garvey nero mix for me works wonders..and so far into the english winter the tags are still living.
  10. so the new mix to withstand the weather is.. (od0s by the way)
  11. rubbish are you sill rocking garvey and marsh?
  12. i have a nero & garvey stain on my jeans..never coming out
  13. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...bayphotohosting for anyone looking.. not 100% if its powder?
  14. hahahaa.ha...ha....h..oh wait. :rolleyes: bully.
  15. oh come on man. what are street signs made out of? what are wooden benches made out of???
  16. oh right, my fault. they just looked..squirty?
  17. ive been trying to work it out, do you actually spray the walls with them? im not a stranger to new markers but ive not seen that before :confused: if so, possible to get a picture of the result?
  18. marsh garvey & nero could be a mix for the future
  19. ive got alot of stuff still running with my nero garvey mix, it's faded slightly still very visible though, but then again who cares, england never gets any sun anyway :D thanks for that 6of1, i've got a mini otr with that mix in it too :crazy:
  20. my garvey nero & methyl violet is enough for me ;)
  21. 15-20 for me but pentels and silver/white markers are a different story. i'd have them bigger and smaller.
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