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Everything posted by SWX1994

  1. this dude was seriously no joke. not from looking at this thread, but from seeing tons and tons of his trains running. R.I.P.
  2. for those of you in the know - you know that sent is the very definition of burner - and style:
  3. SWX1994


    wow, thanks for circling this, i never wouldve seen it without you! ;) Quoted post [/b] hey no problem, i did it especially for all the speds in the house.
  4. peep game: DEMER STEEL WHEELS ~ representing the unsung heros of graffiti
  5. SWX1994


    even sicker than the placement (because yes that is pretty ill) is the randomness of this photo:
  6. its ky jelly food coloring and a teaspoon of epoxy to give it hardness.
  7. SWX1994

    Yard Safety

    ^^NO SHIT. in the ignorance of my youth i got my foot stuck in an automated switch, on a transit line. luckily i was able to get my foot out of the shoe. i had to ride the subway with one shoe...i guess it beats going home in a box.
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