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Everything posted by oddio1

  1. he said not the snore... fuck.. pay attention.. the one above it.. hollow...
  2. i wondered if anyone would pick that up.. good eye.
  3. shit i used my old account.. fuck it i'll do it over later....
  4. ouch... that hurts.. hope the title is still clean....
  5. oddio1


    still not a massive collection.. but the reddish orange isnt everything...
  6. checked the properties... iso- 400 4 sec exposure f/ 3.5
  7. i just posted yesterday.. damn.. i do have a little bit of a life...
  8. first of all.. thank you... its all digital. i am real new at the night shots... i had it at 400 iso, so its a little grainy.. i think it was about 3-5 sec exposure and about f2.8 but i could be wrong... i was experimenyting a lot that night.. and it was my sparks can :-) i'll try and check the properties and see if it shows those details and get back to you if i was off at all...
  9. feedback welcome... good or bad... pm me.
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