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Everything posted by oddio1

  1. just cuz it was with the atak...
  2. oh.. i just realized it wasnt all posted.. i was wondering what the hell you were talkin about...
  3. which wall? something in preticular you are looking for?
  4. THE BENCHES - GRAFF IMAGES THE TRENCHES - GRAFF DISCUSSION for those of you who like to talk.... http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?p=4798550#post4798550
  5. lance is gay.. and jessica misses her man... hahahaah
  6. goin through some old shit... found these......
  7. yeah..its the wonder bread outlet... i was bored.
  8. cant remember who said it but "your bitch chose me" beside the point though.. this isnt a place to air dirty laundry anyway.. quit droppin info.. fuck if the cops are looking.. its not a sewing circle.. or a soap opera.
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