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Everything posted by oddio1

  1. and yeah.. bump 1978... nice flicks..
  2. oh.. i thought you just meant the arab writing on it.. thats funny..
  3. im pretty sure the buffer is a woman in her 50s to 60s.. and i dont htink she works for the city.. she looked over at me at one point but it was still hard to tell for sure...
  4. keep runnin your mouths you fuckin fools.. any other spots you want to drop info on..
  5. your not makin it too hard, now are you?
  6. i know i have seen most if not all of that footage on dvd, but it wasnt called export import...
  7. i dont know if i was drunk, tired or what.. but i meant a VW symbol.. heres a pict..
  8. speakin of metroe.. anyone want to buy a metroe canvas? is bones in the shape of a vx symbol....
  9. what i dont remember seeing from the first post...
  10. same ol camera, just late night with a tri pod and a long exposure...
  11. havent seen server since about 98.. ran into an old friend again, so got a new shot...
  12. why you postin my shit in a thread i allready posted it in? get on the bench and quit stealin.
  13. bump for bumps.. and for re-posting over and over, shit that wasnt even in portland in the first place.. bump for serch.
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