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Everything posted by oddio1

  1. well there is a ons on it.. but who knows..
  2. I am a law-abiding citizen. I am not a criminal. Taking photographs is not a crime. I am exercising my first amendment rights. The accusations you have leveled against me have no foundation and are baseless. Sending threatening and harassing messages, as well as attempting to gain access to any of my private accounts is very illegal. Your IP address has been catalogued by http://www.12ozprophet.com and if necessary will be directed to the proper authorities. Please refrain from any further harassment or attempts to hack into my accounts. Thank you. “Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted.” bebopdeluxe ORS 166.065 Harassment (1) A person commits the crime of harassment if the person intentionally: ©Subjects another to alarm by conveying a telephonic, electronic or written threat to inflict serious physical injury on that person or to commit a felony involving the person or property of that person or any member of that person’s family, which threat reasonably would be expected to cause alarm.
  3. what i do is no different that cnn or fox news going to afganistan and documenting the war.. you say i am promoting graffiti by this.. the news promotes war and the death of our teenage brothers and sisters, and pumps them up to kill innocent civilians overseas. there is no law against what i am doing. "Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted."- i take this as a dirrect threat and if confronted i will defend myself with what ever means neccesary.
  4. i know your IP adress asshole.. quit fuckin with me.
  5. some one can eat a dick.. i got two messaged from webmaster@12ozprophet.com today saying my account was frozen for 15 min from someone failing to enter my password..
  6. im glad you give us a chance to see what out of towners do in other citys..
  7. dope flicks.. just went by there,, flames were already gone.. but hella cops everywhere.. water running down freemont at least 5 blocks from the fire, they are dumping so much on it..
  8. hahaha... just tryin to get you to work a lil harder.. after all, you are the one that challenged me to the post-battle..:):lol:
  9. safe fun.. nice post.. even though half of it has been posted many times already...
  10. that last gosh is fuckin ill.. props.
  11. yeah it is.. im sayin depths has done better.. shut the fuck up.. post some picts.
  12. ive seen depths do better.. not that that isnt good.. but i have to agree with you about the meter.. illy.
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