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Everything posted by oddio1

  1. he isnt a cop. he is truely just a concerned citizen.. he is like that guy joe connely in the documentory infamy.. a vigilante buffer..
  2. that eway is cool... but regaurdless of your opinion, why post that in the portland thread? he isnt from here and only visited for a very short time...
  3. diamonds on my neck.. dia-diamonds on my grill.
  4. i could be wrong.. but i think joker was mistaken about the reason for something being requested to be deleted.. and that is why he has since said ignore that whole post.. but i could be wrong.. also, i remember there being a news story.. but i dont remember the cops saying they use it to collect info.. i have heard that digital images do not hold up in court, but that could just be some bs.. but if anyone is worried about me posting their graffiti on here, then pm me and i will stop.
  5. ah. so refreshing.. well put.
  6. if you mean the 'jelly' or drips on the radios? hitop was not the first person to do that.. and not the only one doin it in portland..
  7. i was just going through o an old photobucket album and found this.. .. shit is hot!
  8. server wrote back in 98 at least..if not before.. but when you fall off for 6 years, you cant be too mad at some new jack not knowin who you are...
  9. REST IN PIECES C.D. TUNNEL..... Artifacts.... All Thats Left.... Agresor and serve... sounds real familiar... GoodByeCD...
  10. thats funny.. we were posting at the same time...
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