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Everything posted by oddio1

  1. that spot gets gone over every other day.. even trav wrote no diss when he painted there.. its what happens. get over it.
  2. what is wrong with the world today... even fresh in the game you just knew the way back in the day.. blame Mark Echo for this.. that fuckin video game spawned a new generation of kids that dont know what the fuck is up...
  3. that top bore pict in the last post is hanging on the wall right by my computer...
  4. behind the back djing is so played out.
  5. do you pay any attention to this thread? i post more flicks on here than almost anyone else... you run your mouth more than just about anyone.. and your tellin me to shut up and post. hahaha.. foolish little child...
  6. damn kid you talk to much for this thread... act your age.. then you say 'your name id dumb' real mature statement. chubs by the way sucks too. the last out of town flick posted you piped in about this not being from here but bump the regal not done here. get the fuck out of here.
  7. WOW... so feer went over cobra and zombie went over abhor.. what a fuckin joke.
  8. your lucky to even see that through all the bullshit talk.
  9. at least one thing went right for me today.... i got a few good flicks in...
  10. WHY DO YOU COME TO THIS FORUM??? To see flicks!! so why is there so much talking..
  11. pretty sure its FIRE UFR.. oh and.. im back.. so as long as i kick this malaria virus or what ever it is... i'll be back with flicks..
  12. yo fancy.. i like that flick of the regal bilboard.. shits tight with the bus sign and invey in the background.. i hope shits still ridin when i get back...
  13. sometimes i wish i were a moderator so i could delete post when people drop info... your not cool cuz you tell some clueless asshole about someone... great you know. cool..
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