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Everything posted by GucciHoochie

  1. A really, biter is the only one pretty much on here telling yall how it is and whats up, but dont think for 1 second that we're trying to back down from anyone, fuck all of you who got a problem with tbk. fools think we're trippin on our freights getting capped, that shit aint nothing new. we dont give a fuck, i know trouble probably aint the only one yall dissed over this gs/biter shit, so you guys pretty much declared it right there, yall want it you got it..
  2. man let the shit die, yall commin at biter cause he posted some of his own shit, guess what.."who gives a shit". does it really get under your skin that much? ya he left a bad comment on your boy a long time ago, so that leads to phone going over my boy trouble? we never capped wh, trouble never even heard of phone before. just quit sticking your nose in and we'll do the same. anything else hit the pm.
  3. Man leave that wall alone, noone needs to know where it's at, just know that spot is owned & please get from around there.
  4. This guy and someone who writes "norms" went over my boy metal on a red flat car. We aint really feeling that shit.
  5. Last time I was in detroit, the actual hood part where the homey and I were the only white people driving for about 20 minutes, I seen a lot of that turdl guy on a shit load of broke down buildings. Props.
  6. Quoted post I think that was posted a couple of pages ago................ Quoted post I did'nt see it, if anyone has them shoot me an email at sackingtbk@yahoo.com it's greatly appreciated.
  7. Anyone got flicks of a production done a few months back with pier, arys, sigh, when, seone and some other cats? I think it was in dayton, could someone post them? Thanks.
  8. I cant believe your boy didnt help you one bit, what a great friend! :lol:
  9. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/guccihoochie/aryscoolcolors.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/guccihoochie/pierwhitenight.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/guccihoochie/steel-metal.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/guccihoochie/bite-easoe.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/guccihoochie/steel.jpg'>
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