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Yellow Feets

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Everything posted by Yellow Feets

  1. Cool. How about the word... CHUMP. or something.... EDIT* I vote for that MiserRock Person. I didn't finish. There should be some disqualification rule. Plus, that sketch is homosexual.
  2. Y'know what? I lied. I don't even feel like finishing the sketch really. I don't feel like shading and all that. But without shading, the sketch looks a bit.... odd. It looks like a 2D even though it wasn't suposed to be. :rolleyes: Oh, well. The wait is over. Here's the sketch: http://img44.photobucket.com/albums/v134/KingBlah/forumsuck1.jpg'> Sorry about that Starz... Anyways, anyone down for another one? I'll put in some/more effort this time. And this time, I'll finish it. It's just sometimes, shit happens, and I don't have time for sketching. peace! EDIT* That sketch sucks...
  3. Yo STARZ, I just finished my FORUM but I want to put some finishing touches to it. Hope you don't mind... peace!
  4. Just wanted to say to Lust that thoses characters are cool. I'v been trying to draw characters from different perspectives like so^. Shit ain't that easy. Alrigh, goodbye. And my FROUM well be up tonight. Don't worry Starzabove. :)
  5. My FORUM will be up tomorrow. I started sketching it today. So I'm partially lying...
  6. This is exactly how I feel. Not about stickers in general, just some of the shit I've seen in this thread.
  7. Finally. Uhhhh.... Let the word be "FORUM" and let it be an outline. There's seriously no point in coloring it. I'll probably have it up by today because if I don't sketch it now, I'll never do it... peace.
  8. Thehavenots, I (kinda) like that. Sorry for repeating but does ANYONE WANT TO "BATTLE"?
  9. Oh shit, sorry about that SPACE battle. Damn... Ugh... Well, I vote THIS. Anyone down for one? Let's have this up by Tuesday night though. Because there's no point for making shit a week long. I'll just get lazy again... Anyways, if anyone wants to "battle" me, my shit, as always, will be an outline. No colors. shit.
  10. I'll battle you Slyde. And they're off!
  11. Who said they suck? The Mac is dope. Legal wall or not, that shit is pure skill. Ugh... I caught a couple of stickers on my way home today. I'll go back and flick 'em for this thread. I'm not making any promises though...
  12. Aight, so the word is Space? I'll get on it... My shit will be an outline, as usual.
  13. Nekro, I'd like to join in on your battle... I'm bored and lonely. Bored, and lonely.
  14. Actually, I think those Bobs are.... old. But they're consistant so... props... I guess. But I do admire the fact that DBD gets up alot. Ugh... I like wheatpastes more.
  15. It's in the previous page. Check the post by HECZONER, not meone. just had to stop the confusion.
  16. Well, nothing is really wrong. It's just that... I think it would be a "hellofalot" better if the people who vote would say why they picked that person. I'm sick of seeing: "This I vote This. ThIs HAs mY VoTEZ. This is the shit. He has my vote THIS Thi-sizzle" I'm just using THIS as an example by the way. But anywho, my suggestion CAN bring trouble. Let's say some anomynous toy said that so-and-so has better letters than than whomever. That person (whomever) would probably say something on the lines of.... "Fuck you you fucking toy. You have no idea what you are talking about. You know shit about letter structure. I've been in the game for 8 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 4 hour, 32 minutes, and 5 seconds... SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!1". So yeah. Carry on. It's just an opinion. peace oh and...
  17. Starz, just wanted to say that you got better. :) This ain't a vote. I don't like the voting system of this thread. Plus, e ute./././ I'll just leave now...
  18. Yeah, sorry about that. It's just that I've been so damn busy. This is the second time(?) I had to bail out on a "battle". Ehhh... Sorry, expect a box of cookies delivered to your door. So yeah, I guess it's just WAKE v.s. STAE. ugh... anyone up for one? I promise that I'll actually get to skethcing this time... Speaking of this, THIS for tha exam battle. I think Dyke had the better fill and I liked his E more than This'. But that was it.
  19. ActivRok, I'll "battle" you. Just join in on the MEDIC battle. The word is MEDIC and it's an outline. The due date is Monday but I'll try to post up my shit Sunday. Oh and Koot, I'll "battle" you with paint. You seem to stand by your handstyle. A handstyle alone DOES NOT make a good writer. So yeah, pick a word. I've been writing since last September so we're pretty much on the same level. Oh, and if you agree to the paint battle, whatever wall you paint on, make sure shit is illegal. I don't have any legal walls or whatever. [Koot, I don't have beef with you. I don't even know you. I also know what you are talking about. The people voting against you. Not only do they hate you, it's just that they seem to have this little internet crew going on. (ie. "Yo, your shit is dope so say the same about mine." You can notice this in most threads. Especially the ACE crew thread. Sorry Slyde. I talked to you before online and you seem like a cool person.) I personally think that this internet "battle" shit is ridiculous. But I guess it's all for fun. Some perople just take this more serious than others. (ie. Yo nigga, come to the battle thread and I'll serve your ass) That kind of shit. peace and down with this internet beef.
  20. TIP #1. Don't get hurt. from what is said. on the net.
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