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Yellow Feets

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Everything posted by Yellow Feets

  1. ^What the hell does this mean? It's due bewtween those dates or something? peace
  2. Damn... Y'all lucky you have all that fancy shit. I have to work with watercolors and whatever the hell I could find in my house. But on a lighter note, it's looking good Names. :) peace
  3. Damn... is it really this easy to make money? [see the above comments]
  4. Cool. I'm actually working on this. The coloring is probably going to hurt the whole thing though.. And yeah, more entries from the west would be nice.
  5. You mean graffiti? ;) a la clever
  6. Question to Starz and Slyde: Would it be alright if I threw in a couple of characters (instead of one) and a piece of my own? My blackbook doesn't like the idea of a "full pager". Y'know, because of the crevice in the middle of my blackbook. Shits going to be a bitch when it's time to scan... peace
  7. That eastcoast/westcoast battle sounds confusing as fuck. But regardless, I'm down for it. Yellow Feets (Eastcoast) edit* Mercy... Full color? I don't have any of that fancy shit but I do have some watercolors. OHHHH SHIET!! THE NIGGA SAID WATERCOLORS!!
  8. Paid, that's fresh. Character and all.
  9. I'm one to start shit but that comment made you look weak. It's like your asking to see some "V tags"...
  10. Dude, if you have respect, you should've changed your name by now... I changed my name several times because I didn't want people to confuse me with some other witer. That, and the whole respect deal that goes with it. It's really not that hard... So don't make it. Also, you're toy as hell. You're the one that needs to "check yourself". cha-ching!
  11. Wow... I sure hope that was sarcasm. Otherwise, you guys are taking this WAAAYYY too serious. Anyways, my Killer will be up, I didn't forget this time...
  12. That sounds so fucking retarded... In the brick slayers thread on the interet? C'mon now... edit* Propa, what you just said wassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...............................................................................
  13. Something quick (no..) to bump this thread. _________________ + NOT MAKROS + + NOT SCORPION + + NOT HUMAN + http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v308/capslock2000/nothuman.jpg'> do.me do.it.do.it
  14. I'll take a stab at that Killer. Gay word but...
  15. Koot for that Beas. Anyone down for one? Choose a word stranger.
  16. Yeah, along with Swet. Another favorite Euro head would be Porno, Pist, and Power. The power of the P's. STYLEISKING, do you have any of their pieces? ;)
  17. FUCKIN' MSPAINT!! I was doing something and this bitch of a computer froze on me. Grrrr. I'll give it another try. .growlout.
  18. From 51 for that Speak and Koot for that S.
  19. Shit Dillz, those are fresh. Most of what's on this page is real nice. I'll take a stab at a canvas sometime soon in the near future. er.
  20. The beef still lives? Anywho... http://img44.photobucket.com/albums/v134/KingBlah/Persue.jpg'> http://img44.photobucket.com/albums/v134/KingBlah/esteme.jpg'> ^props to whoever took photos of the pictures.
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