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Yellow Feets

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Everything posted by Yellow Feets

  2. What's with you? Does my opinion really matter that much to you? But CrewJones has a point and I'm kind of glad he said what he said. Because sometimes, that's how I feel. And I know people and even toys don't take this shit seriously. It's just something to do when you're bored. Plus, I don't see anything wrong with competition. As corny as it might sound, it's kind of like a competition within yourself. Pushing yourself to do better each and every sketch. Okay... maybe that didn't sound so cool. Anyways, Koot, your comment sort of bothered me. Just a little bit even though it was sarcastic. I'm guessing you were fuckin' around with me. Whatever. Pick a word. I'm bored. PIECE BATTLE peace, James
  3. Mi5tawers for WAR Jasteq for REIV That RES battle ... errr... I feel a tie between Paid and This. Both are nice. And for some odd reason, I'm kinda feeling Zealot's... But my decision goes to PAID.
  4. route127, I personally think that first sicker (green headed shit) sucks but that crow is pretty fresh from the looks of it. Post more if you can. (More quality shit like the crow one)
  5. Rize - Terrorist. And no, I did not vote him because he's getting his assed kicked...
  6. I quit that battle ages ago. And I said that Johndoe wasn't down...
  7. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/street%20stickers/smogisborg_039.jpg'> Yo MLTf4ntom, how big are those? Puh... Regardless, I want some. I'm not a "sticker bomber" or whatever the hell you people call yourselves (not trying to be an ass) but I need some.... for stuff. :) I'll trade with you. I have some "stuff". Like ehhhh... Those Montana markers that I don't use. Ever. AIM = bboyxlonglegs peace ps- Marz, how'd you manage to get those. pps - Tatootreat, the drinking dad ones are pretty nice. ppps - I agree with "pain is gain" and "crack bags".
  8. GRIEF - Porque It was a pretty close battle though...
  9. Nois, I think the bottom one. Oh, and the guy in the wheelchair is pretty dope.
  10. Well, the "test" was to draw Cloud as indentical as the image I posted as humanly possible. And your drawing... ummm... wasn't that good. I could've told you what was wrong with your drawing but the image was too small. I couldn't really see the details. I'm not trying to sound like an asshole or anything. I'm just trying to help. But yeah, maybe we should move this "conversation" to the CHARACTERS THREAD. WE'LL POST IN THERE FROM NOW ON. peace. ps. - I'll draw that Cloud picture too. I'll post it in the Character section... I think. EDIT* Y'know what? I lied. I'll just post that picture of Cloud in my thread... i think... EDIT** I lied again. Just keep it in the CHARACTERS THREAD. page 105
  11. No problem on that inspiration bit. And about the new movie coming out... I've seen trailers about it and I have a few magazines (EGM,PSM) articles about it. Unfortunatley, the trailer I saw online was in japanese and it was more of a teaser. It just showed random bits from the actually movie. And it's strange... The magazine article (it was an interview with one of the developers of the movie/dvd) said something on the lives of "It's not a movie, it's an interactive....". Something. I forgot. I'm not sure what magazie it's in. Plus, i'm tired and lazy to find it. And I don't know your aim. Oh, and I can't see the drawing of cloud you did. I see a read "x". Well actually, it's just blank. And ice-x... The face is bad but the hair isn't too "shabby". Looks like you didn't took my advice when I said "take your time/spend hours on the sketch/etc." okay, i'm done.
  12. Nah, that ain't it. http://img44.photobucket.com/albums/v134/KingBlah/ff7-cloud2.jpg'> Here ya go. It's bigger and I think it's a bit easier. A bit sad that i had to upload it to my image hosting... thing. I'll take it off later. peace again.
  13. Accompling. Wow. Told you I was tired. I just re-read my post above. Because of that, I am Fruity ass nigga lvl. 72. And because of that long ridiculous post, I apologize to the "regulars" in this thread. But that kid desperately needed help and I tired. Oh and ice-x, I'm serious about you sketching that picture of cloud. I just want to see how good of an artist you are and how good of an artist you could/would be if you just took your time (preferably about one hour) skeching characters. Alright, i think I am done. Time to sleep.
  14. Street characters??? That's terrible... Characters are characters. There's no such thing as "street characters". I think I know why you said that though... You said that because those so-called "street characters" all look similar huh? So you tried a "street character" and look what you came up with... A SIMPLE, EFFORTLESS, SOMEWHAT-DEMENTED LOOKING CHARACTER. I can't really blame ya though... You're just probably influenced from all the "street characters" you've seen. =============================== Well to be honest, those character just plain suck. I'm sorry bro but it's the truth. And there's no way in hell you can fix them really... If you really want to have a "dope character" then you should at least be able to draw. I'm not trying to put you down so please do not get angry. I'm really tryng to help the best I can and I'm mad fuckin' tired. Hahaha. So yeah, my question to you is: Can you draw? But hold up, don't answer that question... First, I want you to take a test. I want you to DRAW this image I'm about to post. Draw it to the best of your ability and then some. Spend an abnormal amount of time on this drawing. Try to be very precise with each ehh... stroke(?) of your pencil...or whatever. Don't try to rush shit. Try to be patient with yourself. (I think) all great artists are patient and they spend hours on what they are trying to accompling. So you should do the same about this sketch... ANYWAYS, HERE"S THE IMAGE: http://c-uncut.com/media/ff7-cloud2.jpg'> It's a picture of Cloud from Final Fantasy 7. From 5th grade up until 8th grade or something I would draw my favorite characters from various videogames. Cloud was one of them. Sounds cheesy as fuck but hey, I'm an "okay/decnt" (or below) artist because of it. But yeah, this picture is fairly simple so i thought it wouldn't be that hard. Oh yeah, don't trace. ;) Peace.
  15. I think I figured it out... Thanks KRAUT but that's not the only problem... i think his forehead is too small and... I don't know... The left side of the face kills me. it's weird... the actual sketch looks okay but that image i just posted now... well... maybe it got distorted or someshit... And something's wrong with his neck. I never took any drawing or anatomy classes (not yet anyways) so I still suck at drawing humans and whatnot. I'll post that same sketch after i make a few adjustments and after I add scenery or something. peace.
  16. This guy is right. I was once on the verge of joining that same bandwagon. But... I think I got tired of seeing the same shit over and over and over again. I even have those USPS stickers still... I don't even know why I still have 'em. (Actually, I do) And what bothers me the most is that most of the characters I see on stickers look the same. Shit ain't even funny. So fuckin' boring... I hate "effortless" looking characters. I "dunno"... It bothers me. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v244/erez_b/spongelenzsqurepans.jpg'> ^This is pretty funny though. And ice-x, those aren't good. How old are you? <serious question.
  17. Back to the sketches... Here's that toy-ish sketch I was talking about earlier. It's an unfinished concept-thngy I started last night. There's alot more detail but I guess it was too light for the scanner to pick up. So I had to edit the brightness or whatever in photoshop. There's alot more space on the paper too. I just zoomed in a bit. http://img44.photobucket.com/albums/v134/KingBlah/crooked.jpg'> ^Something about the man's head bothers me... I'm not sure what it else. It's a bit crooked. I think I'll either finish that sketch with a pen or make the pencil strokes alot more uhhh.... stronger. or something. peace again.
  18. Manifesto, what the hell is that?? And Al Green, I just sent you the email. Send me thousands. peace.
  19. STARZ, I think I might have to drop out of that HOMER battle. I don't think I'll be getting my hands on those watercolor/acrylics very soon. I'm jobless again. :( Sorry for wasting time... But who knows, there's hope. If my Homer ain't up by Friday (Thursday is my final pay day) you can just forget about the whole thing... Sorry once again. AND VANILLA NICE FOR THAT LUDWIG THROWUP.
  20. Thanks for the compliments Seeking and HECZ. Much appreciated. And I want to jump in the battle between Kise and Porque. Someone pick a word for us. My Homer Sketch will be up as soon as I find that USP wire... How the fuck does a person lose a USP wire...? peace
  21. Yo STARZ, my HOMER sketch is finished but right now it's only an outline. The rules for the battle between me and wonkarock was a "full colored piece". Like I said before, I don't have shit to color with. And the place I would like to go to closes at 7pm but today I gotta go to work at 4pm. So... It's going to take a while for me to get my hands on those watercolor/acrylics... I'll just post my homer sketch just in case you think I am asking for more days to finish or someshit which in not true. So... I guess in the meantime people should join in on this HOMER BATTLE. peace.
  22. VOTES... Jasteq for the Ludwig Battle. My reason: His letters are pretty strong and it shows through that sketch. I haven't seen that style all too much so that's def. a plus. The only flaw I see is that the L is a bit odd, the orange splatter wasn't necessary but who gives a fuck because this is just an "e-battle", and I can't find the W. But I'm lovin' the color scheme, THAT G, and I like to see a different style every now and then. You R TEH WENNNER. Orbit for the Metak Battle. My reason: Don't really have one. I could barely see the letters. I almost went the the other guy. Dklod for the Fule Battle. My reason: 2 more hours until my kazaa porn is finished. Ralf for the Finch Battle. My reason: Errr... none. I almost went with MilesApart. Tough decision I guess. I gotta get started on that HOMER battle. Heh.
  23. My bad. I should've looked harder. Err... Forget Kise then I guess.
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