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Posts posted by BloodyWishes






    You shouldn't take light the death of someone's friend. This guy isn't beefing with a famous crew for no reason, think if some big heads went to your town and started going over Uncle, or whoever you may have lost, what would you do? How would you feel if you defended your friend who was no longer alive, and kids were online instigating in caps lock to beef? If this wasn't over death maybe it'd be funny, but Detroit lost one of their own and even if he wasn't a quarter as good as D30 the fallen cannot defend themselves.


    I have nothing to do with the situation, but I see exactly where DSD coming from. We have some fallen writers and if anyone goes over my dead friend who helped me start in 1998, no matter howfamous I would/will fuck up everything they had. It's basic respect for the fallen. Not an "Ooh let's get popcorn and watch this battle"...


    I actually hope it gets settled peacefully, maybe it was too dark for them to notice they went over him, maybe not. Peace everyone

  2. pretty much why i posted it - he sucks & is a fanboy, but its nice to see him have fun & actually kind of support skating


    besides, he looks mad funny when he skates lol


    What the fuck. I had to log in to express how fucking wack this shit is... Fuck him having fun, so because he's lil wayne he gets a (barely) ollie down 4 stairs slow-mo? And an "alternate angle slow-mo" link to that pitiful boardslide? If any regular kid skated like that around those guys they'd laugh them out of the spot...


    Then after clicking some links i see this:



    WHAT THE FUCK??? My first deck in '92 was Alien Workshop. And by the logic of lil fuckface being sponsored I should have been PRO since '93.


    Making that dude pro is fucking ridiculous. Words cannot express. Am I in the nonsense thread?

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