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Posts posted by BloodyWishes

  1. not a 'bad' tattoo worthy of this thread. i guess.

    but wtf.

    came across it after chekcing out NPR's stickons




    Is this one of those mastectomy tats? I saw a doc on Women who had tats done in place of their breasts. So yea it's kinda wack but probably on some deep meaning for her, and if makes her feel better, more power

  2. LOL, wouldn't matter if it were coherent or not unless you speak Russian.


    Also these people may be crazy but apparently they are not stupid or computer-illiterate. It's a bit of a process to upload videos and enter the title/description and whatnot.


    Subscribed though.


    Crazy has never meant stupid. John Forbes Nash, UniBomber, severe schizos and geniuses

  3. Back to the original broad, some dude wrote this in the comments


    I'm the one who's been following you...I watched you whilst you were asleep, I watched you eat your breakfast because I live opposite you. I also accidentally bumped into you on the street earlier last week. We're coming for you, there's no stopping us, we're everywhere.


    Pretty mean but I loled

    • Like 1
  4. This bitch has NOTHING on this one:




    Look at how many videos she has.


    A brief introduction:


    refbatch is a YouTube channel. The owner, Anna, a 46 year old woman, has to date posted 23,926 completely incoherent videos.

    She lives in Moscow, Russia, Kuzminki district near the Kuzminki park.


    The Channel's profile section also contains incoherent rambling, a sample of which is as follows:


    About Me:

    urgent message of isolation-at burning of comouter ,1st.,october.,2011:iran;moslems. gov. isolate me from youtube all otehr public,ban to pass quake vision acsiomal natual knowledge, repress in elimination of me and extortion of property, fabrication.,s they burned comouter for onyl to stop alaska quake information access-afetr talk at israel embasy on different themes-incl australia;straus kahn syndrom ban on my picture ect.

  5. Holy fuck that episode was intense. Walt with the preemptive confrontation. I feel for Hank. Also did you all notice how Walt was behaving a lot like Gus? Both with the conversation with Lydia at the wash and putting the towel down to puke, both Gustavo behaviors

  6. Nah, I know how they sound different. But if some iTunes emo rapper gets sales, does it automatically mean immunity in the "rap game" as in, no one can criticize without being "a hater"?

    How fucking stupid is that


    You just summed up rap/hip-hop of today. Like someone said, hip-hop died in the 90's.

  7. tumblr_lve464sglu1qbp945o1_500.gif






    So Bob was fucking unreal, of course, up until the end. But how bout a fucking helicopter grinding a rail then catching an updraft on the quarter pipe? I was waiting for him to smash into it. Fucking nuts!!!

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