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Everything posted by Dr.Goe

  1. entyr but itchynipples did a good job..entyr nd itchy two best but entyr took it with the letters nd color..goodjob:king:
  2. kooter for hard..fantom got come nice simple letters but kooter put more effort into it
  3. i like how thats coming out..keep it up
  4. Dr.Goe


    make the ink thicker...idk
  5. Dr.Goe


    awww did i hurt Mr. super rad graffiti tagger's Ego? if so.. im truely sorry :lol: :lol: :o
  6. Dr.Goe


    whats up with the king smiley's...i could see if you put them there if they were good..
  7. starz..take jungleboogie out of the battle..its been long enough..
  8. shutterfly is geting me pissed off..someone host the flick for me..thanks alot
  9. http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4db26b3127ccebe7cd454232e0000001610'> reply..finally..rushed it during school cause this battle has taken long enough. jungleboogie isn't sending his submission so lets vote
  10. Dr.Goe


    i can't realy help you with your script.everyone has their own "style" when it comes to handstyles..practice makes perfect but in graffiti practice just makes you better...so keep working on your scripts..
  11. enter doing big things man..mucho improvement keep it up kid
  12. wow my b stars i don't think jungle man is ganna be posting his reply battle..but ill post mines by tonight..just been out of state nd had no time...
  13. Dr.Goe


    bump: keep the thread alive
  14. oof..dope post paid..speak your mind keep it gansta son. and can you guys stop quoting that dildo..fags
  15. idk guys..shutterfly is being gay on me and lust's nd vots stuff is on my shutterfly..try right clicking and show picture if not take the url::take more effort and time:::
  16. Dr.Goe


    i acually like that peice..clean..the script is nice too
  17. http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4da09b3127ccebde2a761008e0000001610'> for my boi VOT and the Genius battle
  18. jungle matter of factr give me one more day....
  19. yo jungle ill have my shyt posted by tonite...peace
  20. Dr.Goe


    ogod...on handstyles alone...be serious now. look 2 at your alar entry in the 12oz. battle....jus die...yeah koot claim the thread? ura fag jus end it now before i have to embarrass you with something more then jus your bubble letterssq:eek:
  21. Dr.Goe


    i don't care...you can't bern me..its all ended;)
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